Wednesday, April 26, 2017

OUGD503: Summative Evaluation

I found responsive quite challenging in terms of time management for projects because there were different deadlines for each live brief but this also made it easier to create and follow self initiated deadlines which makes working so much easier and manageable. In Studio brief 01, it was interesting finding competition briefs I was interested in working in personally and could explore and see if there was anything I wanted to specialise in. I chose to do the YCN Quorn brief because a campaign seemed like quite a big challenge. Also because I'm a vegetarian it gave me a further insight on the meat industry through research. I also asked why people still chose to eat meat when they know it's bad for the environment and reasons behind why they do or don't try a meat free alternative or going veggie for a day. All of it helped influence the design and made the press pack I created fair for both meat-eaters and non-meat eaters and did not discriminate against anyone. I tried to create it in the most friendly way possible simply because there are a lot of preachy people and although eating meat is considered bad in my opinion, you cannot change someones mind by shouting and using hyperboles of the industry. Negativity bias makes people less reluctant to try. I chose the penguin brief because in first year I quite liked looking at and designing book covers but I feel like this was not my strongest design purely because I chose two concepts and just went with one because of feedback when I preferred the other one and should have pushed for more feedback to improve it and further ask why people did not like the illustrative one as much. However, I feel like I quite enjoyed the TBWA Papyrus Student Brief. It was a day brief I undertook and designed a cacti colouring page for but it was nice to do simple illustrations because that's what I enjoy doing. It also helped I had previously done a colouring book so I used the feedback from that to inform my design decisions and make my drawing more fluid.

 In Studio Brief 02 in OUGD504, interactive design I had realised that was not my strong point in terms of design. It was a brief I did not particularly enjoy doing but within Studio brief 02 of OUGD503, collaborative practise it was something that benefitted me and made me more confident in designing for screen. It was easy to apply previous knowledge in regards to app design, layout, sitemaps and use terminology and details learned from that module. It is the submission from responsive I am most proud of because I updated my presentation and design boards to look more professional during submission to. I feel like during the collaborative project it was beneficial to work with another person and try be confident with my work and help me grow as a designer. It is something I will try do as often as possible whilst we have the resources of so many art students in some place from different disciplines.

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