Monday, February 26, 2018

OUGD603: Collaborative Zine - Initial Mind Mapping

First meeting on 26/02/18.

What the problem is:

  • Students and mental health.

Target audience:

  • Students/young people, living in Leeds. (18-25)

Aims // Objectives:
  • Make people more conscious about self care and wellbeing 


  • Zine


Time management // Tasks to consider today:

  • Name
  • 3 Themes
  • Content
  • Layouts
  • Recommendations
Main title:
  • Self care

  • Morning
  • Afternoon
  • Night
Possible other names:

  • Location - 3
  • Things to do personally. i.e: To Do List, improve productivity
  • Beauty - skincare
  • Lifestyle
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise. i.e: walking to uni  
  • Personal environment 
  • Interactive pages - tare stuff out

Option 1 - student:

Content 1 - Morning:
  • Location: Opposite Cafe affordable
  • Unpaid: Library
Content 2 - Afternoon:
  • Location: Lunch @ Uni of Terrance
  • Laid Law
  • Hyde Park in summer

Content 3 - Night:
  • Location: Itsu
  • Gym
  • Social Event
  • Home activity

Option 2 - non student:

Content 1 - Morning:
  • Location: 

Content 2 - Afternoon:
  • Location:
Content 3 - Night:
  • Location: 


Things to do this week:

  • Get feedback
  • Visit places
  • Start narrowing down content after feedback

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