Thursday, December 3, 2015

OUGD405: Studio Brief 01 - Study Task 02 - Symbols

Sochi Winter Olympics 2014

Beijing Olympics 2008
The Pictograms for Beijing 2008 reference the characters of the language.  

Rio Olympics 2016

The pictograms for the Rio 2016 olympic games referencing the culture of the city through the light weight and fluidity of the symbols. It is expressive and works in conjunction with the Rio 2016 logo. 

Compare and contrast different ones
referencing culture of the city hosting olympics - line weight or contrast 
or functionality and communication

Mexico 68

Types of different olympic events:

Oti Aicher 45º pictogram gridFile

Mine is inspired by Mexico 68. The symbol focuses on an object from the sport rather than the

Using the grid was difficult. Originally the design was featured just as the bullseye as a focal point because the focus of the olympic sport archery is to hit the centre target which is what I wanted it to represent. However, the white circle in the background would not work against a white background. It is only seen as a red circle. I think it is effective as a stand alone pictogram because instantly you can see what it is. I found it difficult to draw the positioning of the person holding a bow and arrow because of the scale and decided that I wanted the focal point to be the equipment, not the person. 
I used other methods of making the pictogram more prominent by placing backgrounds such as a curved rectangle. I also played with only using the arrow as the focal image. However, I find this is less effective because it is too simplistic. It does not draw the viewers eye in and make it obvious what the sport is.  

 I also tried playing with illustrating the arrows in a different style for more simplified pictograms. Aesthetically they look better than the bullseyes but I believe the bullseye. These are illustrated versions of my previous sketches. The bullseye I believe stands out better as a pictogram from a distance the object does not get misconstrued. At different scales it would still be obvious to the viewer that it was because of it's simplistic form. Whereas the bow and arrow I have created in illustrator could be at a distance because of the overlaying lines. I chose to create the bullseye in red because it adds a sense of vibrancy to the pictogram to reference the excitement and coming together of the olympic games. It is one of the colours of the olympic logo and bullseye targets are traditionally red. The bow and arrow design below are very minimalist. Aesthetically I prefer the ones below but the bullseye would work better with the Mexico 68 pictograms.

Final outcomes:




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