Tuesday, November 3, 2015

OUGD403: Study Task 03 - Drawing The Detectives

For this task we had to redesign an Agatha Christie book cover. We each had to randomly select a piece of paper with a book title on it. I was given A Pocket Full of Rye.

The story line:

Murders happen in accordance to the poem Sing a Song of Six Pence. It is a crime novel.

The original cover:

Book cover inspiration:

Penguin English Library edition books were initially my inspiration for this project. I chose to illustrate the berry used to poison one of the victims in A Pocket Full of Rye that are yew tree berries.

This is what the berry looks like:


For the first two ideas I used the original colours and illustrations inspired by the 1st edition of the book and the storyline. I then decided to completely scrap that because it is too ambiguous to what the book is about and the illustrations are not clear that is is a yew tree berry unless you know the story line.

I kept a red shade for the colour of the berry. I wanted to keep it very minimalist and mysterious. I wanted to focus on the type and colour. The grey is an off black shade to make the cover eerie and the red for the berries and the murder. The blue works well with the shade of red and is easy on the eyes. 

This is my final cover. I really like the final outcome because it focuses on the typography and colouring. It is ambiguous but I think you can tell that is it a crime novel because of the colours.

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