Monday, January 30, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - YCN - Quorn - Submission - 30/01/17

Proof of submission to YCN - Quorn Brief:

Please explain why you chose this brief, and how your view of the brand has changed since you began working on it.

I chose this brief because it has a personal influence on me. As a vegetarian, I think it's important that people at least try to control how much meat they eat and not incorporate it in every meal which is even a start. I have influenced and helped other people to try vegetarian options so I found this a challenging but interesting brief to experiment with peoples opinions on becoming meat free for a day. It's so important people understand the effects eating meat causes on the environment and you can live a healthy lifestyle without it regardless of the connotations. 

My opinion on the brand personally is I wouldn't eat Quorn products but have tried fake meats. I don't personally see the appeal but it could help people that want to make the transition because they supposedly taste similar and sometimes better.  They are better for the environment and have some vegan options which I didn't know before. I like that the brand cares about environmental factors not just trying to replace meat. 

Please give a short description of your work, and the thinking behind it.

I wanted to produce a product that was as easily accessible as possible. Something that would work for absolutely anyone and everyone. It is something that is encouraging without preaching the concept of being "meat-free for a day." I was thinking about what I would like to see someone else produce and what other people would enjoy having. I had to consider both people that already don't eat meat to gage why they don't and how they began their vegetarian or vegan journey and how to influence people that do eat meat. I took into consideration how people felt about the subject on a emotional level, their thoughts and opinions were all shown through my campaign. I wanted it to be really friendly. This is because scaremongering tactics are inappropriate for children. The idea was to appeal to all target audiences and age groups.

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