Sunday, January 8, 2017

OUGD504: Studio Brief 02 - Design For Screen - Evaluation

The final resolution is successful in terms of resolving the initial issues within the restaurant experience. The majority of people within the feedback discussions had the same issues within restaurants such as not being able to gain the waiters attention and problems within payment at the end. This includes splitting the bill and using different payment methods. The Bill's payment interface design allows customers to use varying payment methods depending on what they want to pay with whether it be cash, card or Applepay. It allows customers and the waiter to see exactly what they ordered to avoid confusion with receiving the wrong food. The user can how much they are spending using the colour scheme. It allows them to see if they are spending a lot of money or a little on average of how much everyone else on the table is spending. This is for the purpose of people that have budgets to stick to. This is also useful for if they want to split the bill equally. If they are all within the same spending range it would be seen as fair to split the bill equally to avoid any hassles. The design allows each person to see their individual bill without having to get a calculator out on their phone or the waitress to go get a calculator. The customer can also request human interaction. This is incase something extra is needed, whether it’s to request more food or drinks or general support when paying the bill. Older target audiences or people that are not as clued up with technology can gain extra assistance just at the push of a button. It also gives the opportunity for a direct link to the manager when they are available so that an issue can be resolved without hassling another waiter and using their time. This can also act as a deterrent for complaints because often when waiters say they can go get the manager the customer says "never mind."   

The interface design reciprocates the aesthetic of Bill’s resturants. It uses a friendly and approachable design so that it is easily accessible for users of any age. The white space makes it look pristine and uncluttered. The design uses colours green, black and purple keeping to a dark theme against the white for easy readability and legibility. They are easy to view on screen. They are also the colours used on Bill's online menu's to maintain consistency even further. It uses buttons for simplicity and glides effortlessly on an iPad or tablet. 

It is appropriate for anyone to use, families, students, elderly people. The original aim was achieved by the consistency of the design being clean and efficient to use for the demographic.    

As feedback, a few people said the colour scheme “might make people feel bad about how much they are spending” or “may cause arguements if someone is paying more.” However, the purpose of it is to help the user see the general range they are spending incase they have budget limitations or someone suggests to split the bill equally. It is also fair for people to pay what they have if the difference is substantially bigger. This way everyone can see fairly what people have spent money on. 

The design could have been made more complex and added more options and buttons or selecting from various menus. This one is specific to the lunch and dinner time menu. There are also breakfast and afternoon tea specific menus so each menu could have a varient colour scheme in accordance to what the products are to expand the app.

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