Thursday, March 15, 2018

OUGD603: Research Lead Brief - Alcohol Awareness - Poster

Initial Idea: 


- "This looks very formal, not aimed at the right target audience."
-"It doesn't look like a poster. Looks more like a book cover."
-"Not very eye catching."
-"The yellow text on red is good. Reminds me of wine."
"The text at the bottom is too thin."


The font looks weird being all lowercase. 
There isn't really a lot happening to draw your attention to the poster.
It needs more information.
People might not know how much 14 units is.

Still quite plain.

Final poster design:


-"I like the colours."
-"Simple. Gives you everything you need to know."

Monday, March 12, 2018

OUGD603: Research Lead Brief - Alcohol Awareness - Research - Survey

Surveyed students age 18-22 about their going out and drinking habits.

1. How many times a week do you go out?

- 0
- 1
- 2
- 2-4, usually once through the week then once on the weekend.
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0-1
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 1

2. Do you drink other than going out? If so when, example: with dinner or glass of wine on a night in.

- Beer with the football
- No
- Cider with dinner
- No unless it's an occasion
- No
- No
- Yes, with dinner sometimes on a Fri / Saturday night
- Watching football
- A glass of wine with dinner, or with friends in the evening. Sometimes have some Buck's Fizz with brunch
- Yes
-Yes, a glass of wine on a night in
- No
- No

3. When you go out how many drinks do you have?

- 2-4
- 3+
- 4-5
- A bottle of wine
- Too many to count. 10+
- 10-15
- Usually around five or six
- Around 29
- 3-4
- 5
- Very few
- 6-10
- 3

4. Do you know when to stop drinking?

- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes, always drink a lot at pres then one or two out
- Sometimes
- Yes
- No
- Nope
- Yes
- When I've got no money left
- Yep
- Yes
- Yes
5. If you were to be given information about alcohol awareness what would you look at? (Example: Poster, leaflet, other - if other please state.)

- Poster
- Poster or advert
- Poster
- Poster, would not second look a leaflet too long
- Poster
- Someone talking about it
- Webpage or app etc.
- Something on social media
- Leaflet
- Not really
- Poster
- Both poster and leaflet
- Poster

6. Do you look after your friends if they seem like they have gone too far with drinks or do you let them look after themselves?

- 100% look after them!
- yes
- yes
- yes unless I'm drunk myself then I ask someone else to help
- Look after them always.
- I look after them
- I look after them 100%
- I look after them
- I do look after my friends
- Yes
- I look after them
- Look after friends
- If they are in actual danger yes, but if not no

7. Have you ever felt depressed or anxious after drinking?

- no
- no
- yes
- yes, emotional drunk

OUGD603: Research Lead Brief - Alcohol Awareness - Research

A lot of people argue that Alcohol is more dangerous than drugs. The Guardian has an article from 2010 stating it's "more harmful than heroin or crack."

BBC also have a chart on how dangerous alcohol is comparable to drugs.

So why is alcohol legal if it's more harmful than illegal drugs?

"The direct answer to this question is that the government does not decide the legal status of drugs based on scientific assessment of potential for harm."


How many drinks a day is considered an alcoholic?

"For women, low-risk drinking is defined as no more than 3 drinks on any single day and no more than 7 drinks per week. For men, it is defined as no more than 4 drinks on any single day and no more than 14 drinks per week. NIAAA research shows that only about 2 in 100 people who drink within these limits have AUD."

How many units to be over the limit?

"The 80mg limit allows a man of average height and weight as many as four units of alcohol, or two pints of normal-strength beer, and still remain within the law. Women can drink three units, the equivalent of a large glass of average strength wine."


Single occasion drinking

The Chief Medical Officers' (CMO) advice for men and women who want to keep their short term health risks from single occasion drinking to a low level is to reduce them by: 
  • Limiting the total amount of alcohol you drink on any single occasion
  • Drinking more slowly, drinking with food, and alternating with water
  • Planning ahead to avoid problems; an example of planning ahead is making sure you can get home safely or that you have people you trust with you. 
The sorts of things that are more likely to happen if you do not understand and judge correctly the risks of drinking too much on a single occasion can include: 
  • Accidents resulting in injury; causing death in some cases 
  • Misjudging risky situations
  • Losing self-control (for example, engaging in unprotected sex)
Some groups of people are more likey to be affected by alcohol and should be more careful of their drinking on any one occasion. For example those people at risk of falls, on medication that may interact with alcohol or where it may exacerbate pre-existing physical and mental health problems.
If you are a regular weekly drinker and you wish to keep both your short and long term health risks from drinking low, this single occasion drinking advice is also relevant for you. 

How much is 14 units of alcohol?

One unit is 10ml of pure alcohol. Because alcoholic drinks come in different strengths and sizes units are a good way of telling how strong your drink is. It’s not as simple as one drink, one unit.
The new alcohol unit guidelines are equivalent to six pints of average strength beer or six 175ml glasses of average strength wine.

Additional resource:

OUGD603: Research Lead Brief - Alcohol Awareness - Defining the Brief

The problem:

People know they should not drink excess alcohol but exceed and especially in students do not know their limits. Younger people going out for the first time do not know when to stop or how much is enough. Not as many people are aware of the issues of alcohol over consumption. A lot of people end up being sick, passing out, not recalling how they got home etc. It's dangerous if students are on their own at uni especially in freshers where they do not properly know anyone.

The brief:

To design a product i.e: leaflet, poster, something instant students can engage with that helps to raise awareness with students in regards to their drinking limits and give additional information on alcohol.


1. An outcome that provides people with information on alcohol and knowing their limits.
2. Design boards.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

OUGD603: Secret 7 Submission - London Grammar - Help

"When listening to the song you're instantly captivated by the sound of the piano. The band is called London Grammar so an illustration over the city creates a peaceful unison."

I had never heard this song before so when listening I didn't expect a prominent piano sound. I felt like this had to be included and a key component in the cover. I played the song whilst drawing over this image and this is what I imagined and came up with.

As you are not allowed to use the artists name or song title within the cover I had decided to take photos in London of a landscape with distinctive features of the capital to represent this.

The design focuses on a photo of the London eye being the predominant feature of the capital. A piano illustration which reflects the music and finally notes and lines to represent the flow and gentle nature of the song. This also gives the image more depth than it being a flat photograph with a singular piano illustration which is something that had also been tried.

I personally do like the simplicity of this one although I feel like with the other illustrative pieces it ties the image together more. This is more subtle.


"Might have looked better black and white."
"The illustrations are subtle but noticeable. Reminds me of Disclosure art work."
"I can imagine the movement within this. Would be nice as a gift, steady movement."
"Piano might have looked good placed in the centre of the image."
"Ambiguous. Good illustrations, give a sketchy, messy look that people go for but you might of know what song it is if you knew the song titles from the competition."