Monday, March 12, 2018

OUGD603: Research Lead Brief - Alcohol Awareness - Defining the Brief

The problem:

People know they should not drink excess alcohol but exceed and especially in students do not know their limits. Younger people going out for the first time do not know when to stop or how much is enough. Not as many people are aware of the issues of alcohol over consumption. A lot of people end up being sick, passing out, not recalling how they got home etc. It's dangerous if students are on their own at uni especially in freshers where they do not properly know anyone.

The brief:

To design a product i.e: leaflet, poster, something instant students can engage with that helps to raise awareness with students in regards to their drinking limits and give additional information on alcohol.


1. An outcome that provides people with information on alcohol and knowing their limits.
2. Design boards.

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