Monday, March 12, 2018

OUGD603: Research Lead Brief - Alcohol Awareness - Research - Survey

Surveyed students age 18-22 about their going out and drinking habits.

1. How many times a week do you go out?

- 0
- 1
- 2
- 2-4, usually once through the week then once on the weekend.
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0-1
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 1

2. Do you drink other than going out? If so when, example: with dinner or glass of wine on a night in.

- Beer with the football
- No
- Cider with dinner
- No unless it's an occasion
- No
- No
- Yes, with dinner sometimes on a Fri / Saturday night
- Watching football
- A glass of wine with dinner, or with friends in the evening. Sometimes have some Buck's Fizz with brunch
- Yes
-Yes, a glass of wine on a night in
- No
- No

3. When you go out how many drinks do you have?

- 2-4
- 3+
- 4-5
- A bottle of wine
- Too many to count. 10+
- 10-15
- Usually around five or six
- Around 29
- 3-4
- 5
- Very few
- 6-10
- 3

4. Do you know when to stop drinking?

- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes, always drink a lot at pres then one or two out
- Sometimes
- Yes
- No
- Nope
- Yes
- When I've got no money left
- Yep
- Yes
- Yes
5. If you were to be given information about alcohol awareness what would you look at? (Example: Poster, leaflet, other - if other please state.)

- Poster
- Poster or advert
- Poster
- Poster, would not second look a leaflet too long
- Poster
- Someone talking about it
- Webpage or app etc.
- Something on social media
- Leaflet
- Not really
- Poster
- Both poster and leaflet
- Poster

6. Do you look after your friends if they seem like they have gone too far with drinks or do you let them look after themselves?

- 100% look after them!
- yes
- yes
- yes unless I'm drunk myself then I ask someone else to help
- Look after them always.
- I look after them
- I look after them 100%
- I look after them
- I do look after my friends
- Yes
- I look after them
- Look after friends
- If they are in actual danger yes, but if not no

7. Have you ever felt depressed or anxious after drinking?

- no
- no
- yes
- yes, emotional drunk

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