Friday, December 2, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - YCN - Quorn Brief - Considerations After Feedback

Think about emotions, narrative, the actual problem. It can become very easy to get bogged down on the brief and doing research and a response to that brief. You need to explicitly evidence research into contemporary creative culture, see what has already been done that is successful and why it's successful and what has been done that has less impact. If you can back that up by the opinions of respected graphic designers or journal thats even better.

Maybe use green to reflect nature instead of using orange. However, the design looks better in orange because is it more unconventional and will stand out on a wall. It is also the Quorn colours of the logo so it has a subtle reference to the brand whenever people see it.

Adjusted sizes because one of the pieces of feedback was that there was maybe too much space.

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