Tuesday, December 20, 2016

OUGD504: Studio Brief 02 - Varying Personas for Bill's Restaurant App

Target Audience Research
Geographic: (country, region)

  • England, UK as Bill's is a UK based restaurant franchise.

Demographic: (age, job role, income, socio-economic status, nationality)

  • People aged 16-70.
  • Young teens, students. 
  • Some older people such as elderly people going for afternoon tea
  • Middle aged people that bring their families, with or without younger kids. 
  • Average budget food so any income.
  • Any nationality.

Psychographic: (interests, values, beliefs, opinions, attitudes, activities, social groups, lifestyle)

  • Anyone that enjoys going out for food.
  • People that like cheap social activities.
  • Social groups of young people.
  • Elderly people that enjoy afternoon tea or going out for breakfast.
  • Anyone that wants to go out for breakfast.
  • Students.
  • Families.
  • Busy lifestyle.
  • People that have time for leisure, occasionally go out for meals instead of staying in constantly.
  • Varying food beliefs such as vegetarian beliefs because there are veggie options along with the meat options.

Persona 1
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Job Role: Student
Routine: Eating as a social occasion once every few weeks.
Nationality: British Citizen
Ethnicity: Asian
Persona 1 is really into technology, can easily pick up new devices and use them like a professional. Constantly finds new restaurants for him and his friends to try. Would easily be able to use a tablet given to them at Bill's restaurant because of the simplicity of the idea.

Persona 2
Age: 78
Gender: Female
Job Role: Retired
Routine: Enjoying breakfast out every morning.
Nationality: British Citizen
Ethnicity: White
Persona 2 has to wear glasses otherwise is almost entirely blind. Finds it a bit fiddly to use technology but not incapable. Might need a bit of extra assistance. Would need the design to be basic as possible to avoid confusion. Only carries cash. Would need that as an option to pay.

Persona 3
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Job Role: Full Time Mum
Routine: Eating out once a week.
Nationality: British Citizen
Ethnicity: African
Persona 3, relatively young mum would be able to use a tablet given at a restaurant. May struggle with a few things such as requesting staff for help but not impossible to use. Is really up to date on latest payment methods such as apple pay and contactless.

The target audience research shows varying age ranges that could potentially be exposed to the app and that it would be compliant to all of them no matter the age or reasons they have chosen Bill's as their restaurant to eat at.

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