Thursday, December 1, 2016

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - YCN - Quorn Brief - Crit Questions & Feedback

For the Quorn YCN brief the creative challenge is to create a campaign to influence people to go meat free for a day. In response to this brief I'm going to create a press pack to inform people to go meat free for a day. This will include advertising collateral such as:
  • A recipe book
  • Art prints
  • High quality photos of animals with statistics and facts on the reverse
  • A discount voucher for money off Quorn

which are all of A6 size or smaller so that they fit inside a box. These would be free to order online similar to peta's vegan starter kits which include information about having a plant based diet. There would also be a downloadable pfd version feautred on Quorn so you could print them yourself or just have them as online pieces of information such as the recipe book.  The target audience is students and anyone that wants more information on becoming meat free but doesn't know how to initiate the change. These are small steps to influence yourself and others around you. These could be distributed at university in societies or in the student union.

Design work
Recipe book:

Art Prints:

High quality photographs and facts:

Discount voucher:

Questions & Refined Feedback

1. What would influence you to try be meat free for a day?
Cost, influence that not eating meat would have on the animals and planet.
Easy recipes with health favours included. 
After watching some cute animal get killed for food. 
Easy and quick to make, must taste nicer than meat.
Cheap / connivence.
It is one of those viral challenges (e.g mannequin) + cheap.
Very good facts and information which does not make you feel bad. 
Easy recipes, and where to buy something cheap as vegan food is quite expensive.

2. What facts or statistics would you like to know about the meat industry?
Health of animals, duration of their life, how it effects environment. 
What could happen if more people stop eating meat. The benefits of not eating meat, things we don't know.
Even if it not that many people buy it, will they still kill those animals because I kind of like to buy meat products because I feel like even if I don't buy it, it is gonna expire and bin anyway, so I feel it is better not to waste food? Or the animals were die for nothing end up in a bin. 
Where it comes from.
What chemicals are added? How much percentage is real meat?
Maybe how the meat is raised.

3. What else could be included in the press pack?
Seeds - something to influence them to share what they're doing on social media.
A thank you card - assuming the person will not eat meat for a day.
More cute pictures or illustrations of cute animals or even stickers?
Grow your own veg? Seeds?
Stickers? With same message as prints or maybe a card.
Something they can show off / post on social media to let others know they've completed their meat-free day? Sticker? Badge?
Maybe look more about what bad meat can do to your body and how going meat free can effect you in a positive way. 
Maybe a book how to grow your seeds? Or even a book can contain some seeds extra for people.

4. What other ways could a press pack be distributed?
Vegan events. 
Markets or supermarkets because it is actually aimed at everyone I think. 
Give it out in super markets as a campaign as not many people would go on the website by chance and free vouchers foodies love.
Festivals and vegan food festivals. Supermarkets (more access to public)
Food festivals, supermarket, vegan sections. 
Maybe within schools.
Events for vegans.

5. Any other feedback. 
The time period could be extended, maybe a weekend or week this would be more of a challenge. 
In response to the extended time period, it's a campaign to influence it for a meat free day but to continue after the day too. 
Design so far looks engaging & appropriate. I like how it's not too busy but more suggestive.
The art prints are very impactful, have a bold but compassionate tone. 
I really like your prints and the change in fonts but maybe don't make people feel bad and put statistics on the posters. 
I would try different colours, maybe green? To represent nature. 

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