Wednesday, May 17, 2017

OUGD505: End of Module - Self Evaluation

I found this module the most challenging module. This module was also slightly harder to time management because of the break during easter I knew I needed to be really strict with my time and have things ready in preparation for when I returned to Leeds from home. For studio brief 02 I designed and sent off for stickers to be manufactured because the turn around time was around two to three weeks with delivery too. This was one of the mini deadlines I had to take into consideration. I then also had to make sure I submitted the final print for studio brief 01 on the 28th April so I needed to have that complete before the deadline. It was difficult to balance with the other module hand in but because it was the last due in I naturally put it as lower priority than the other ones but I still made sure I was a step ahead to allow myself the time to be on the same level as the other deadlines. I enjoyed learning about Graphic Design to convey important messages. I found the seminars interesting. It was interesting learning what issues people were researching and were interested in for their projects. It's inspiring to engage with other members of the course and feedback from each other etc. I feel like in terms of feedback I spoke to more people on the course because I needed opinions on the issue of consent and personal feelings towards it to make it real. This is also where I found it's important to conduct surveys to get primary research but to keep them anonymous on sensitive topics to protect the person volunteering information. This is part of the ethics behind Graphic Design. The ethics and the messages that are recieved and the way it's distributed is important to consider. This is something I will bring forward to Level 6 because it's easy to miss out research into specific target audiences and how and why you distribute and produce pieces of Graphic Design. I found a bit of a struggle with this module because with both studio briefs I became slightly disinterested in subject matter whereas previously in modules I was not bored of the topic I had chosen to research. For studio brief 02 I found it really interesting to learn about consent and lawfully what is right and wrong because I feel like it is a neglected issue and something I was passionate about but it was difficult to get my point across without being preachy and too stern so that it would not appeal to my target audience. It's also important to consider all angles your project could be looked at and not dismiss anything or anyone for example in studio brief 02 I was designing mainly for females but kept reminding the fact consent issues are with males too and not diminishing the fact rape or unwanted harassment happens to males too. At least acknowledge it and say why you are not designing for that target audience. 505 is the module I am least happy with because I feel like I should have chosen different topics and not rushed the design because of my small deadlines.

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