Thursday, May 4, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range, Distribution - Feedback & Expansion

Feedback on stickers:

  • "The stickers are cute and not serious. The funny style gets the message across."
  • "They look good."
  • "Emoji's are a bit childish but everyone does use them."
  • "I think the emojis grab people's attention then having the serious connotations makes people read it."
  • "They're very small and discreet."
  • "They're nicely coloured and would stand out in dark places such as clubs and bathrooms."
  • "It might not be enough just to do stickers."
  • "Why don't you make more things in the same theme like posters and leaflets etc."
  • "You should give the stickers out in freshers fairs like they put things in tote bags like condoms etc. This could be one of them free things."

Next steps:

Instead of just having sticker bombing being the main focus to spread awareness the sexual harassment/consent message is going to be turned into a entire ad campaign for social media to introduce both physical and online mass distribution. This expands the range and production of the concept by creating more advertising collateral within the same theme. It can help to raise more awareness especially as the target audience can begin from quite a young age it is important that it reaches out and appeals to as many people as possible.

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