Sunday, May 14, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range, Distribution - What Is Consent - Personas

Target Audience & personas.

The ideal target audience:

Any location globally. Although company/campaign is UK based the issue of consent is not.

People aged 16-25+ because 16 is the legal age you can start consenting to sex and then the 25+ age is because those are the age of people that go to clubs and out etc.

Any hobbies, any lifestyle, anyone.
Could enjoy clubbing, could not.
Could spend a lot of time on campus.
Could enjoy socialising and being around people and friends.
Could have a lot of leisure time.

Because it can happen to anyone but it is especially enforced in club culture and within student life because people blame outside factors such as the victim, clothing, intoxication etc.

Persona 1
Geographic: Leeds, England, UK.
Demographic: 20 year old, student, female, british, middle class, minimum wage income.
Psychographic: Enjoys clubbing, enjoys socialising, enjoys socieities and socials, works a lot, does a lot of uni work and revision.

Persona 2
Geographic: Manchester, England, UK.
Demographic: 22 year old, british, asian, middleclass, student, no job.
Psychographic: Enjoys clubbing, equally spends a lot of time in the library, enjoys reading.

Persona 3
Geographic: London, England, UK.
Demographic: 18 year old, male, british, no job, student,
Psychographic: Doesn't enjoy clubbing, spends time socialising on campus with friends, in the library a lot, enjoys reading.

The persona's vary and range from female to male because the issue of consent needs to be addressed from both sides. You cannot dismiss a males right to consent although it is females that are more heavily pressured. Boys should not have to suffer too. These are three people that could get involved with the campaign wether it's just following social media online or taking an interest with the physical content.

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