Wednesday, May 17, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range, Distribution - What Is Consent - Sticker Bomb & Feedback

Questions asked:

How would you feel if you saw them out?

"If I saw them they wouldn't be much of an impact, its just another poster."

"It's just something else that would get lost in a sea of things like getting loads of leaflets etc."

"I think they stand out more because they're so small. You see the colour first which is what drew me in then you see the little things on them. I think it's witty."

"They're cute. I wouldn't think it's about consent."

Do the emojis make them childish or make you interested to look at them?

"I think the use of emoji's and humour make it approachable and not so taboo to talk about the issue which is really effective for an issue that isn't talked about often, there could be the potential for an open dialogue and conversation within a social setting which could be really beneficial to breaking stigma and fear."

"I like the emojis but if you're talking about an issue like consent, it needs to be more serious. It needs to impact others that it's wrong."

"They look childish. They wouldn't look right in a club scenario. I could imagine them good to give away with freshers packs to decorate something like a laptop but not in a public space like a club etc. Maybe the don't be a dick one and empower, accept, love as more general ones but the others are a bit pointless."

"You're trying to communicate with our generation on a level we understand with emojis."

"You can do humour but I think the emojis are too big."

"I like the emojis and think it's a good idea but some of them if I saw I wouldn't know it's talking about harassment like the don't be a dick one."

Other feedback:

"The ones that have more writing such as 'no' is not a synonym for try harder' are harder to see because of the small writing but the ones like 'no thanks' and 'don't be a dick' are clever, short, simple and to the point."

"They don't really look very serious for the topic you're trying to cover."

"They don't link with the website."

"This is one of those gimmicky things that will have a 50/50 split. Some people will love them and some people will absolutely hate it. People will love it because it gives a funny undertone to a serious subject that a lot of people bypass but people will hate it because it has taken away the seriousness of the topic and also some people hate emojis. I never use them. It's an interesting concept though. I like that you have tried to make it appeal to a younger audience because you said they were aimed for 16+ so it would definitely appeal to them but maybe not so much when people start getting into their 20s."

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