Friday, May 12, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range, Distribution - What Is Consent - Online & Physical Campaign

The title of the campaign is: What Is Consent?

Because the issue of consent within sexual interactions is still misunderstood.

The definition of consent is permission for something to happen or agreement to do something. It is the act of giving someone else permission for something to happen.

In law, the definition of consent to sexual activity. Subsection 273.1(1) defines consent as the voluntary agreement of the complaint to engage in the sexual activity in question. Conduct short of a voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity does not constitute as consent as a matter of law.

For great certainty, subsection 273.1 (2) sets out specific situations where there is no consent in law; no consent is obtained:

  • where the agreement is expressed by the words or conduct of a person other than the complainant
  • where the complainant is incapable of consenting to the activity
  • where the accused induces the complainant to engage in the activity by abusing a position of trust, power or authority
  • where the complainant expresses, by words or conduct, a lack of agreement to engage in the activity, or 
  • where the complainant, having consented to engage in sexual activity, expresses by words or conduct, a lack of agreement to continue to engage in the activity.
"A Definition Of Consent To Sexual Activity: Policy Centre For Victims Issues". N.p., 2017. Web. 12 May 2017.

What is Consent?

Consent is when someone agrees, gives permission, or says "yes" to sexual activity with other persons. Consent is always freely given and all people in a sexual situation must feel that they are able to say "yes" or "no" or stop the sexual activity at any point.

Consent should not be assumed.

  • Body language, appearance, or non-verbal communication: one should never assume b the way a person dresses, smiles, looks or acts, that they want to have sex with you.
  • Dating relationships or previous sexual activity: simply because two or more people are dating or have had sex in the past does not mean that they are consenting to have sex with you. 
  • Marriage: Even in marriage, a person should not assume they have consent for sexual activity. Marital rape is as serious as any other sexual assault.
  • Previous activity: consent to engage in one sexual activity at one time is not consent to engage in a different sexual activity or to engage in the same sexual activity on a later occasion.
  • Silence, passivity, lack of resistance, or immobility: a person's silence should not be considered consent. A person who does not respond to attempts to engage in sexual activity, even if they do not verbally say no or resist physically, is not clearly agreeing to sexual activity. 
  • Incapacitation: alcohol consumption or use of other drugs can render a person incapable of giving consent. Alcohol is often used as a weapon to target individuals and is used by perpetrators to excuse their own actions. Additionally, Michigan Criminal Sexual Conduct laws apply to a perpetrator regardless of whether or not they were drinking. It is important to remember that sexual assault is never the survivor's fault, regardless of whether they may have been intoxicated.
 "A Definition Of Consent To Sexual Activity: Policy Centre For Victims Issues". N.p., 2017. Web. 12 May 2017.


To make the message clear to more people the designs will be used to raise awareness. It will be a physical campaign in conjunction with an online campaign. This will include:
-A website
-Social media

It also may include:
-An app


The social media will be there to make people aware of issues and any concerns regarding consent and what is ethically right and wrong. The design should not be discriminating and should help both genders but focus on females because it happens to more females than it does males. However, this does not dismiss or undermine the male audience. The situation usually victim blames and says "well they were asking for it" whereas you can see above consent is NOT about what the person is wearing or if they have had a drink or not. That is victim blaming.

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