Sunday, May 13, 2018

OUGD603: Alternative Work Spaces


The purpose is give students alternative work spaces around Leeds and independence from the university studio and library. Sometimes being in a busy classroom can be daunting and not relaxing. If it’s quiet you may feel uncomfortable making noise and getting up whereas in public spaces everyone is doing their own thing. No one cares about what you are doing. We want to show people there are so many other places that are good working spaces local to Leeds where you can socialise for group meetings, get something to eat if you have to do work for long periods of time and feel comfortable in. 

Initial Ideas

- Zine 

Full of photography and different places and information on each places. However this would be quite overwhelming, there might not be enough places to recommend.

- Publication

Similar to the Zine idea is that a publication is quite big and it is also bulky. It’s similar to something people might pick up and flick through but not keep.


With locations on it, could be A3 size so people can put it in their room.

Development and production

For development we tested different variations of the design. What to include on the back and where to put it. The image is the main focus on the front but we felt it was too heavy with text in front of it so agreed all of the information needed to be on the back. 

The postcards were printed at Staples and were quite cheap to produce making it cost effective as they are free to hand out within university. 


“Pitch it to uni include in freshers pack? “

“Target the audience to Leeds Arts University students - Use the phrase ‘get out of the studio’ encourage freshers to explore Leeds and also find a space which more suits them for doing work“

“Facilities included - wifi - is there plug access for chargers etc 
Also include hours? Like whens the best times to go etc? 
Use a key with colours and icons - code the facilities etc
Put the price range of coffees and food etc”

“Could be a postcard size a zine might be a bit fiddly and off putting to read a lot of information? - Have a really strong  image on one side of the postcard and the information about the space on the other side - could be a good conversation starter for freshers as well - scattered around uni. Maybe think what would make people keep the postcard? Whether its the stock used or a really strong/eye-catching image? “

“Could also be a poster campaign - put around uni to encourage people to explore - using taglines like ‘need some time away from the studio?” giving students another alternative to create a positive work space for themselves - take charge of where they work and their space? “

“Posters could be minimal to highlight the photo used on the 

Final Resolution

The final design consists of postcards with the photography on the front and information on the back in regards to what the place has to offer things like wifi and where it is on a map. They would be placed in university so that people can pick them up and they look like decorative pieces to have on your walls in rooms and in halls. They are helpful and let people know they can work wherever they want and not be confined to a studio space or library.

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