Sunday, May 13, 2018

OUGD603: Overall Evaluation For Everything

I found my favourite briefs were when I was working with other people. In previous years I had found collaborations horrendous because sometimes ideas clash and it’s hard working with people with a different perspective as you. I find it so much easier to collaborate with people you know or work for people you know because they will be honest with you and you can be honest with them because you both understand each other whereas with outside clients and strangers it's harder because you both have different expectations. Within the course I had found it easy working with Anna because we have similar styles and mindsets. Our ethics and ethos’ when it comes to social and morals are similar so I think that’s why we work so well together. I have found it easier to bounce ideas off someone else and be more motivated if you feel like you have someone else to work with and inspire you. I also feel a guilt letting someone else down so when organising meetings and speaking to people you are working with or for I always want to make sure I’m on time and there. Whereas if it’s self initiated projects you are doing alone the only person you have to let down is yourself and if you don’t care or can’t be motivated then you just won’t do the work whereas with someone else you physically have to because it’s not only your deadlines you need to meet it’s someone else's. It helps with time planning so much because you can fit projects around each other’s other projects and schedules. I’ve had a really busy schedule this year because of work but because Anna doesn’t work she has helped me so much and been able to be super flexible with her time because I can’t be as much so I think this also helps with our collaboration. The work is also easily and equally divided whereas in some collaborative projects some people do not participate at all which is what a huge struggle in first year was is that it got quite competitive and people just needed an excuse to take credit for all the work but that’s not what a collab should be like. So to conclude, I have found that I have enjoyed branding other people, myself and working collaboratively the best. I have really enjoyed creating products although it can be challenging but you learn with every new thing you create which I think is important because you know what not to do in the future and what does and doesn’t work for you personally. It’s all trial and error.

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