Friday, May 11, 2018

OUGD603: Personal Communication Skills - Feedback


“Super easy to read.”

“Nice little app to flick through.”

“Design might be too simple, younger people usually like loads of colour and things to engage with. Like sound.”

“The idea of having it to swipe across is good, makes it more user friendly because there is not an overwhelming article sized piece of text to read. Plus you can pick it up and put it down whenever you want. Potentially more colour though.”

“I do like that it’s black and white. It’s very graphic designer though. So it has the minimal, clean look. Don’t know if it’s right for children. Maybe young adults because everyone does need social skills. I would say the app looks more 17-21. Than 14-18 but it could work for them too if they want to be more mature.”

“A good concept. I definitely think that young people spend way too much time on their phones and not enough time going outside even speaking to their parents should be an everyday occurrence and it’s just not. This should be put in place.”

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