Wednesday, March 2, 2016

OUGD404: Photography for the second book

"I bought it for someone that doesn't need it anymore."

"The last present from my granddad."

"They are both gifts from my ex, hung it on my backpack before I realised that the eye is coming off but never got around to fixing it and I don't think I ever will."

"A gift."

"Given to me by a guy in my sixth form photography class. I needed old toys for a project and he let me keep this one, the told me he'd had it since he was born, it went everywhere with him. I thought it was sweet."

"This is a very precious item to me. I have a very big emotional attachment to it. My little brother has a matching one. It means a lot to me."

"I don't remember how long I've had this, I have a basket of stuff my mum used to own, I must have found it in there. I used to wear it to every big exam in secondary school as a sign of good luck, as if she was there with me."

"Keeps the ghosts away while I'm gone and asleep."

"I found this on the Great Yarmouth coast last summer, during my friends and I's last annual day trip there. I feel now it holds a lot of memories considering I've moved away from them all to come to uni."

"Picked up from the table during the start of uni. Signifying my new life in uni."

This was my first time photography and experimenting with editing the lighting and adjusting it to make a clean background. I need to adjust the lightning on photographs more and see how I would organise it into a book. 

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