Wednesday, March 9, 2016

OUGD406: Screen Print Testing For Money Brief

Range: Plike
Colour: Black
Substance: 330GSM

Range: Accent Fresco
Colour: Black
Substance: 350GSM

I chose the star design for my money design. This is because stars are something that the everyone in the world can "read" as the same instead of choosing a specific language. This was inspired by my research into fictitious currencies where I was inspired by the concept of creating an intergalactic note. There are 20 stars and 30 dots which equates to 50 symbols in total. This signifies that it could be worth infinite amounts. I want the actual size to be around credit card size because it can fit into a wallet and will be a generic dimension for everyone globally. I will also choose a thick paper weight of stock for my print so that it is durable and heavy like a card would be. I want it to be a really simple design so that it is non offensive and easy to comprehend.  The final print will have UV stars on it to avoid counterfeit and maintain security. This fits with the theme of stars in that you can only see them at night. 


What stock should I use Plike or Accent Fresco? 

"Plick stock - satisfying to touch, more vibrant, would be more pretty to take out your wallet. It is immersive. Accent Fresco looks old and used, faded."
"I like the soft texture of pike also reminds me more of the night sky."
"Maybe thinner stock?"

What can I add to the design to make it more complex?

"Add number as it is perhaps too ambiguous :)"
"Create a star constellation which makes the number/value of note"
"Maybe add variations into pattern to give the notes a noticeable difference between each other - or look at colour?"
"Maybe add glow in the dark ink."
"More patterns? more stars? different shape of stars?"

Should I add more colour, if so which ones?

"Black and white seems good enough for me."
"You could add space like colours - purple, blue add a galaxy in the distance."

What do you first think of when you think of a currency that could be applied internationally?

"Some nature things? sky? or America!"

Which method of print would be most effective for my concept? 

"Screen print? Mono print?"

Other feedback:

"How will you know how much the piece is worth?"
"Fun, creative idea however not very clear for quick money usage perhaps include price etc with UV light so can be checked if necessary?"

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