Thursday, March 10, 2016

OUGD406: Studio Brief 3 - Notes/Research

From the first group meeting 9/03/15:

Our concept is to use origami and methods of folding or ripping paper to advertise and promote the exhibition. The idea behind this is that money can be used in innovative ways to portray that money can be fun.

Exhibition space:

Nick Bridgland, designation team leader for English Heritage in the north said: “Bank House is a boldly designed and executed office building by a well-respected practice. Its powerful street-presence is offset by the use of good quality materials. This architectural finesse and historic interest mean it fully deserves listing at Grade II.”

Read more:

Our designs will feature ripped up or scrunched notes as we are redesigning money and it doesn't need to be perfectly folded. This would still work on the poster with the shadows etc.

We are going to meet on Friday 11/03/15 and next Wedneday 16/03/15 at 11am.

Over Easter:
Posters/flyers/paper folding/digital origami
Research into animals that are involved in money
Print off photo of a bank note and fold it that way or fold a bank note

Animals that are involved in money which could potentially be produced in a paper fold:
Lion £1 coin
Dragon £1 coin

In an envelope or a little sleeve - Chinese New Year envelopes put an invitation inside instead of money.
Or a unique note, like it as been specially passed on to them
Like a bank note with a message.
Could add like a little box inside of it

Alternative 60's spy idea:

A play on a license to kill - a license to print money
Make it a mission to go
Could make licenses as the invitation
It would be like a task, really hard to get around
Invite could be a top secret folder sleeve with a invite inside. However, "top secret" sounds childish so maybe classified or something that references money. That could be screen printed onto a a envelope or folder. Could literally just print the word money in bold in red, block capitals on the top because it's engaging and straight to the point.


Alternative spotlight idea that could link in with the 60's idea:

Contrasts with the cliches of an art exhibition you would imagine - white walls, open space etc. It's a bit boring like it looks nice and pristine. It would be good for fine art when you want to concentrate on the work but it's not interesting and engaging. It's not that interactive.

Black and white theme
Quite minimalist but highlights the actual work
Black background and a light focuses on the center piece
Dark room
Maybe UV lights
Mount work on to a black board
Some notes hanging around the space on thick black stock so that it is more interactive

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