Friday, October 21, 2016

OUGD503: Design, structure, format, tone of voice, annual, website of D&AD and YCN


  • Corporate
  • Clean
  • Awkward 
  • Too much content
  • Dense
  • No way to navigate
  • Visual
  • Serious 
  • Intimidating
  • Creative edge
  • Crazy
  • Loud
  • Less student focused


  • Structured
  • Intimidating
  • Inspiring
  • Playful design
  • Change in stock
  • Composition
  • Tactile
  • Expressive
  • Vibrant
  • Social influence
  • Functional with the cover
  • No over embelishment
  • Understated
  • Features a lot more student work
Any consistencies in award winning work?

Nothing is left to their imagination. Everything is shown how it would be considered in the real world. Nothing is open to interpretation. Context becomes so important with commercial work wether it's student award schemes or client work. 
D&AD felt like real commercial briefs whereas YCN is more hypothetical. A lot of the successful outcomes were transferable with varying interfaces such as working with apps and working within print. It could work in different context. They will ask for a campaign. It's not stand alone work. It will not win if it's stand alone, it will only win if it can be applied to many things as a campaign. Impeccable presentation. High end photography. Layout. Needs to look perfect. Idea and concept driven. Simple, clear (not complicated.) K.I.S.S - keep it simple stupid - acronym. If you make the audience feel like they're intelligent it can enhance the nature of the product. They're all innovative. The whole point to this is to do innovative work, a new approach to something. If you can look at a brief and interpret it to respond to it in a new way you're going to enhance your portfolio. 

What you think the influences of the work are? Social, ethical, cultural? And how have people done this in this work?

Economic change, environmental change.
A lot of the work takes in a social aspect, using apps and different interfaces to convey their idea to connect to people in innovative ways.
People have demonstrated uses of ethics by collaborating their work with charities or the types of materials used during the production. Justified by ethical reasoning.

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