Sunday, October 16, 2016

OUGD504: Studio Brief 01 - Design Production - Survey

These results were collected through asking 20 people aged 16-20 to help influence my design decisions from real people that would be the target audience for this publication. I decided to do this after the crit to get an idea of what people would want me to include for the design process.

1. What media would you use out of these for a colouring book?

  • Watercolour ||||
  • Felt tip |||||
  • Colouring pencil |||||||||||

2. Would you take it around with you as something to do or at home?

  • Take it |||
  • At home |||||||||||||||||

'Might be nice to take if you did it as a thin, city book. Almost a checklist of things to colour once you've seen them.'

3. Which size?

  • A6 ||||
  • A5 ||||||||
  • A4 ||||||||
  • Larger
'Square Format'

4. Would you like quite a thin or thick book?

  • Thin (10) |||||||
  • Thick (20+) ||||||||||||

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