Friday, October 21, 2016

OUGD503: Techniques To Professionally Responding To Commercial Briefs (Penguin Random House)

Research the book
Read the book
Read a summary
Read reviews / get emotions on how people feel about the book
The context
See other variations of the book such as films
Mind map
Research the theme of the book
Research the genre
The author
Previous art work
If there's a series you could do something that would work as a range
Researching the settings
Research the authors other books
Look at character analysis
Research the location the book is based in and book at art processes specific to that area which could be used as inspiration to the new design
Look at what the author intended, over arching theme
Year of publish - design movements
Previous winners / short listed
Previous rejected designs
Target audience
Take an ambiguous approach
Advertising the lateral
Tone of voice
Analyse your own visual style
Analyse the field of product
Look at the judges own practise - their personality, work, style, interests, professional background, previous competition judgements, look at their social media
Do some research

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