Tuesday, February 28, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Papyrus Student Brief - TBWA - Proof of Submission

The email was sent with a paragraph about the cacti piece "The piece was inspired by nature and plants as a calming effect on people. Having cacti in your room has become a massive trend over the past couple of years. Even a small shelf or corner of greenery in a room brightens it up and makes you feel more alive. Serendipity." and contact details.

OUGD505: Studio Brief 01 - Leeds Public Spaces - Initial Research

I asked other people what they think would be interesting to research and they said "you like festivals and environmental change look into that."

There are events such as Leeds fest where a festival poster could be designed with a festival poster and grassy landscape and lot's of things happening with good typography. Alternatively there is events within leeds such as veggie fest and there are two vegan street festivals. There is one in summer.

I also asked a couple of students who didn't do an art based project and they said to do something with a stronger message such as Pride events because that would be a colourful and bright poster.

Friday, February 24, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Initial Concepts

Political, social and ethical issues.

In recent years veganism has become a more popular diet. This is because people are becoming more aware of the meat and dairy industry and the factors of animal cruelty and environmental issues from consuming animal products. Although people have very strong opinions on people that say they are vegan because vegans are stigmatised to have strong preachy opinions.

Generally there is a lot of negativity in the world. This is seen through the news on a daily basis such as issues with recent politics. People are more quick to complain about something than be excited about something. This is constantly on social media. Negativity festers more negativity. So ideally, would like to create graphic design with a positive outlook.

Selling Out
Within creative careers there's sometimes the issue of "selling out."Your ethics and beliefs could be sold for money because at the end of the day people do need to make a living.

Not Paying Artists
On the other side of selling out, theres the expectation of working for free. Excuses such as "we're a new company so we don't have the funds to pay you" or "it would be a great promotional opportunity for you." You wouldn't go to the shop with the intention of buying something and not paying for it so why would you not pay for a creatives work.

Within schools. This links with bullying.

Drug Abuse
Abuse with substances is a common problem. Closing down fabric because of drug culture but the problem doesn't stop if one club closes down. It is everywhere.

Alcohol Abuse
Large culture surrounding drinking, alcoholism.

Some people are for and some people are against. It is a moral issue. It is in relation to cultural and social opinions. Some religions don't believe in it such as Christianity.

Can't deceive someone into doing a study, have to have consent.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Thirsty Planet - App Concepts - Feedback and Development

"More community based app, one's you can share - most apps that are successful are the ones where you can communicate with each other. For example, Pokemon go because it forces people to interact with each other. It's also long lasting although its repetitive."

"Although the first concept is good, there should be a timer. There should be a countdown on how much water you should drink and time with statistics on when is the correct time and amount to drink. They're saying we should celebrate maybe at the end of every countdown there should be a celebration. There should be a celebration with every drink you get, something subtle that's not too much in your face but not on a frequent basis. Could just a be a notification so it's nothing too intense."


"There are many different opinions on how much water we should be drinking every day. The health authorities commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. This is called the 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember."

What we are each bringing to next week's session:

Natasha: Sitemaps and digital wire frames
Steven: Five roughs for the apps design - thumbnails 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 01 - Public Spaces - Leeds Big Disco

Further research into Leeds Big Disco. It reflects the identity of the city because Leeds has such a big going out scene with nights outs, music scene, local dj's and general partying. It is one of the things Leeds is known for. It is such a positive event because it's just about people dancing and coming together listening to nostalgic songs.

Things to consider within the design:

The font they use on their website is PT Mono.

They use pink and yellow as their colours scheme for their advertising collateral and website. I want to create a print that's extremely vibrant and bright to reflect the nature of the event. The happiness is demonstrated through the yellow and the disco vibes are shown through the funky pinks.

Alternatively,  I could reflect the silvers and glimmer of the disco ball and make a dark and eerie yet bright and highlighted print.

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Thirsty Planet - App Concepts

First concept

It's all about making drinking water, cool right?
How many people just forget how much water to drink, a lot. I know I do.
The app would be in a loyalty card style so you get 8 illustrations of cups and you can see how much water you have consumed. You tap and the glass fills per each one you have had.
This makes sure the person is drinking water.
It looks like a reward system.
Then you can click how many and it tells you how much money would've been raised
Like a sense of self achievement

Second concept

Some people find ethics and sustainability genuinely really interesting in terms of being a cause.
So it could constantly give you updates and news on how the company is doing.
Gives you facts, statistics and updates on how thirsty planet is doing as a company.
Information on pump aid, videos, live feed, images etc.

Third concept

Activity and donation app, place in how many thirsty planet bottles you have bought.
You can see how much you have donated.
Reward scheme so after a certain amount you get a pdf for a free illustration and fun and quirky images and stuff like activities you can print out and do.
This would be more targeted at arty students.

Monday, February 13, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 01 - Public Spaces - Research

Research into public spaces and events in Leeds.

Leeds Pride

Leeds Pride starts at Millennium Square and goes through the city and finishes on Lower Briggate in the heart of the Leeds LGBT scene. Many companies and organisations take part too such as Asda, Barclays, Barbados, Cars, Citizens Advice, First Direct, ITV, Leeds University Union, Mission, NHS Digital and many more. So it's a massive event with thousands of people that attend and obviously it's hugely celebratory about LGBT.

Leeds Big Disco

I attended Leeds Big Disco last year. It happened on the 1st of July 2016. The event is based in the heart of Leeds, near Duke Studios and The Tetley. It features the world's biggest disco ball which was surrounded by a massive street party than ran from 3pm to 11pm with an after party until 4am. It was an event for families with DJ's, street, food and carnival vibes. At 7:20 is when the big song is played and it shifts to a night atmosphere.

Color Me Rad 5k

This is a colour run which is essentially a marathon where you get coloured powders thrown on you. "Historically, running has only been acceptable when trying to escape the law, personal responsibility, the truth and grizzly bears. Instead of running FROM something, get ready to run FOR something at this year's Color Me Rad."

Leeds Festival

Reading and Leeds is an annual music festival that takes place in Reading and Leeds on the 25-27 August. In Leeds it's hosted in Bramham Park where thousands of people attend. It's one of the main summer festivals that people attend and get excited for each year. The line ups normally include large names such as Foo Fighters and upcoming artists.

Live At Leeds 

Live at Leeds is an award winning metropolitan festival held annually across a variety of venues in Leeds. The genres are Rock, Indie, alternative and Electronica.

OUGD505: Studio Brief 01 - Preliminary Research on Three Event Spaces in Leeds

Millennium Square - Millennium Square, Calverley Street

Millennium Square is a large city square. It was funded by Leeds City Council and the Millennium Commission. 


  • Leeds Christkindelmarkt Traditional German Christmas Market
  • Ice Rink
  • Slam Dunk 
  • Leeds Half Marathon ends here

The Tetley - Hunslet Road

The Tetley is a contemporary art gallery complex.


  • Mint Festival
  • Leeds Big Disco
  • The Garden Party

Canal Mills - Brandon Street

The night scene is important in Leeds. Canal Mill's is one of the bigger venues for night out and events. Where thousands of people have attended. 


  • The AMP All Day Raves 
  • Brewers Market Beer Festival
  • Brandon Street Christmas Market
  • Bongo's Bingo 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Initial Thoughts and Discussion

Today Steven and I discussed the Thirsty Planet brief and read it in detail.

We have decided to conduct a survey on survey monkey regarding water and what influences people to buy specific types and how to make it 'cool' for younger people. We will keep the survey up for a week and collect the information and review it when we meet next Thursday. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3RZP25V

We created a mind map of initial ideas with the word campaign in the middle then decided what to do as a campaign. 
-Ad website
-Social hub
-Info graphics
-Advertising in stores

Initially we thought of creating standard posters as this is a main part of advertising. We extended this to creating a billboard advertisement, bus advertisements and advertising at freshers fairs as thats where students (18-24 year olds) are situated. 

Other ideas were:
-Standard A4-A3 posters
-Leaflets A5
-Landscape designs - A5
-Rectangle billboard 
-Scroll poster
-Internet layout

We thought creating advertising collateral would be the most effective. We want to make something applicable to print and screen because young people spend more time on their phones than anything else. This is an extension of the original print idea. 

For the next time we meet we have allocated jobs to complete before we meet:
-Steven will do 10 rough thumbnails of designs for A4 posters
-I will think of app concepts - variations and sitemaps etc
Next meeting we will have a process of elimination when we see each others work and concepts and try get other people involved in feedback constantly.

Review of the session:
I think it was very productive, we know what we are designing for without having started actual design work. We spent a lot of time researching the benefits of drinking water and the brief and we are going to gain information from the survey etc. 

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Collaborative Contract

Task 01:

Define what is your motivation for undertaking your collaboration:
-To work with someone with a different skill set to me
-To work with someone on a course that I would like to explore
-To work with someone that doesn't think the same way I do in terms of practise and conceptually
-To work on a brief I wouldn't initially choose

What methods of communication will you use and how often will you meet:
-Thursday will be responsive day
-Will meet once a week for definite then wherever else as possible
-Other methods of communication will be FaceTime and phone calls or messages throughout the week.

What skill sets does each member of your collaborative team bring:

Me - Graphic Design
-Conceptual thinking
-Research methods
-Presentation boards - design boards
-Layout consideration

Steven - Illustration
-Illustrative skills
-Strong software skills
-Different perspective

Task 02:

Collaborative creative contract

Brief Title: 
Thirsty Planet

What are you looking for in a creative partner? What are your aims?
An illustrator.
Someone that will be innovative.
To be ambitious.

What are your specific areas of creative interest?

What specific creative skills do you have to offer in relation to a creative partnership? How do 
you intend to use them?
Design boards

What specific non-creative skills do you have to offer in relation to a creative partnership?
Organisation & time management
Checking up on people - make sure they're up to date with what's happening

Do you intend to use them?

What do you see your specific roles be in the collaboration?
Conceptual and research
Input in everything
Probably creating the main bulk of the design presentation

What will your joint responsibilities be? How will you deal with your project costs and budget?
Planning, concept, design.
Try make it as cheap as possible because students and target audience.
Thirsty planet is also a charity so their budget wouldn't be massive.

Partner 1 Steven Tran

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 01 - Initial Research

Public Spaces and things to research:

  • Millennium Square
  • Roundhay Park
  • Hyde Park
  • Streets of Leeds
  • Headrow
  • Political Marches
  • Briggate 
  • Yorkshire Cricket Team
  • Sporting Parades
  • Leeds Rhino Rugby Team won the Rugby League three years in a row
  • Leeds United won the premiere League
  • Tour de france - started on Headrow 2012
  • Music scene in Leeds
  • Huge Gigs that were on 
  • Mandela Gardens - Nelson Mandela Opened Millennium Square

Look for things that had a massive impact with thousands of people attending.

Recent and current events:

  • Leeds Big Disco
  • Slam Dunk Festival 
  • Leeds Festival

10 of the events or eras that have made front page news since the paper hit the streets of Leeds back on September 1, 1890: 

* Huge numbers of people turned out for the unveiling of the Black Prince statue in City Square in 1903. The statue of Edward of Woodstock – a royal figure famous for his battles with the French in the 14th century – was commissioned by industrialist Thomas Walter Harding, who described its subject as “the flower of English chivalry”. 

* The YEP endeavoured to keep the spirits of its readers up during the First World War by printing letters home from Yorkshiremen embroiled in the conflict. Private Arthur Hollings, of Leeds, wrote from the Somme to his father: “The honour of being first over the lid belonged to the 10th and 13th platoons of the Pals Battalion. Lt Tom Willey led the 13th platoon with the cry ‘Come on 13, give them hell!’.” 

* Crowds thronged the streets on August 19, 1931, as the Graf Zeppelin airship flew over Leeds. The YEP told how its appearance caused Loiners to “irrevocably lose their reputation for calmness in the stampede that followed news the Graf was over the city”. 

* The YEP was with Leeds United every step of the way as they dominated English football under managerial great Don Revie during the 1960s and 1970s. Transformed by Revie from Second Division also-rans, Leeds won two league titles, the FA Cup, the League Cup and two European Fairs Cups before ‘The Don’ took the England job in 1974. 

* Leeds suffered one of its worst ever disasters in December 1975 when fire ravaged Kirkgate Market. The blaze caused around £7m of damage and destroyed two-thirds of a landmark building that dated back to 1857. 

* Serial killer Peter Sutcliffe – the Yorkshire Ripper – butchered 13 women during a reign of terror that began in 1975. Women were told to stay indoors after dark while men everywhere fell under suspicion until Bradford lorry driver Sutcliffe was caught by chance in Sheffield in 1981. 

* The miners’ strike of 1984 and 1985 put Yorkshire at the heart of a titanic struggle between Margaret Thatcher’s government and union leader Arthur Scargill’s pitworkers. Miners and police clashed on picket lines, with the largest confrontation, at a coke plant outside Sheffield in the summer of 1984, now occupying a notorious place in the history books as the Battle of Orgreave. 

* The eyes of the entertainment world repeatedly turned to Leeds during the 1980s as Roundhay Park played host to some of the biggest names in music. Acts hitting the stage included The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Michael Jackson, Genesis and Madonna. U2 and Robbie Williams also rocked Roundhay Park in 1997 and 2006 respectively. 

* Thousands of well-wishers packed Leeds’s Millennium Square in 2001 to greet former South African leader Nelson Mandela during his first official trip to the north of England. Speaking as he was awarded the freedom of the city, Mr Mandela said: “Apartheid was seen to diminish the dignity of all humankind. “The people of the city of Leeds were no exception. We remember them for their outstanding and unstinting support.” 

* The death of Leeds-born showbiz legend Jimmy Savile in 2011 drew tributes from across the city and beyond. A year later, however, the former Top of the Pops host’s reputation lay in tatters following his exposure as one of the UK’s most prolific known sexual predators.

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Papyrus Student Brief - TBWA - Development

Original stars design:
Added moon and changed the direction of some stars:

Changed position of the text gap:

Original cacti one: 

Added detail in the background:

"I like the new composition of the star one."
"The cacti one is on trend at the moment, that is probably the best for a more adult colouring book."
"I prefer the cacti one without the lines."

Asked in a generally tally chart which one was preferred:
Star original one - 4
Star with moon - 3
Star with new composition - 3 
Cacti original one - 4
Cacti with lines - 6

Cacti one with the lines in the background was the most favoured. This is the one that will be submitted to the competition. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Papyrus Student Brief - TBWA - Concepts & Feedback

Nature and being outdoors is calming. It's the open space and not feeling trapped. The designs have left space for a message of what makes you calm. All the designs are simple so they aren't overwhelming to look at on the page. People can choose the colour the background in if they wish. 





1. Which design do you prefer?
Star - 5
Flower - 4 
Cacti - 14

"I like the cacti one but maybe that's because I like plants?"
"I like the star designs and the simplicity of the design which could be quite calming however I think the cactuses leave a lot of room for creativity and colour for the audience."

2. Is there anything you would change about them?
"Maybe the spacing between them."
"The gap where you would have the writing could be in a different place."
"Maybe add more detail, background looks too plain."
"Might look boring on an a3, could imagine it as one sheet maybe combine some designs."
"Maybe with the stars add another variation of design like the moon to write on maybe? Also maybe change the direction of some of the stars."

3. Do you like the minimalist style?
"Yeah, it fits the requirements."
"The lines could be a bit thicker or varied."
"I like the minimal style I think its calming in its accessibility also can be done quite quickly which might be good for stress relief."
"love the minimalist style would maybe add some colour."

4. What makes you calm?
"Being by myself."
"Scenery makes me calm like the ocean and nature."

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Papyrus Student Brief - TBWA

This brief is based on the prevention of young suicide. The purpose is to relieve stress by colouring.
They are publishing a colouring book called "The Art of a Peaceful Mind." An adult colouring book style one which is something that helps you feel calm.

The requirements are:
-3 landscape with space for your paragraph
-0.3mm pen - by hand
-3px brush - digitally
-Deadline 27th feb

There should be a space for a message about 'what makes you calm.'

Mind mapping what makes me calm:
Scenic Views
Open Spaces
White Space
The Sky
Doing Nothing
Seeing Friends
Going Outside

Friday, February 3, 2017

OUGD505: Ted Talks - Sebastian Deterding - Rethinking the Ethics of Design

To gain a better insight on ethics in design I listened to a Ted Talk.

Moral and immoral by changing peoples perspective by design. He's not able to give answers. "My values can be radically different from your values." So he says he can give the audience questions to ask themselves based around ethics.

He compares a health and shopping app and something makes him feel uneasy about it and explains "it's the intention behind it." What are your intentions when designing something? Intentions aren't the only thing. The next app he uses as an example is being fuel efficient but then that can advertise unsafe driving because they want to be fast.

They say they want people to be
"fitter, happier, more productive, convertible, not drinking too much, regular exercise at the gym..."

Aristotle - ethics wasn't about good or bad it was about how to live life well.

"Products are vivid arguments about how we should live our lives. Our designs are not ethical or unethical. They have a moral component just in the visual operation of the good life they present to use."

"What vision of the good life do your designs convey?"

"A single design chair is a persuasive technology. It communicates an idea of a good life a life you as a designer consent to by saying goods are produced as sustainably or unsustainably as this chair. Workers are treated as well or as badly as the workers who built this chair."

"What are the intentions you bring to bare when you design?
What are the effects intended or unintended?
What are the values you're using to judge this?
What are the virtues, the aspirations you're expressing?
How does this apply to everything you design?"

It's important to convey positivity within design. He stresses this idea of the "good life" frequently because it is what is shown to us through product advertisements. In things such as fitness apps, they're trying to improve and better your life. How can I push this concept further in my work? It's something I'm going to explore more and gain influence on positive and happy graphic design work.

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Collaborative Practice - Choosing A Collaborative Partner and Brief

Why should I collaborate? 
As a Graphic Design student interested in illustration. It would be interesting to work with someone that actually takes the illustration course at LCA. 
Who will I work with? 
Steven Tran from Illustration
'What brief will we choose?
We have chosen the thirsty planet brief.
Create a campaign to raise awareness of Thirsty Planet spring water – make enjoying healthy hydration, whilst also doing good, ‘cool’
The Brief 
Your brief is to create a campaign to raise awareness of the newly branded Thirsty Planet range within 18-24 year olds. Our challenge is to make enjoying healthy hydration, whilst also doing good, ‘cool’

What do I need to submit?
A campaign design for Thirsty Planet.

How will I be assessed? 
Need to work on my individual ability to plan,negotiate, manage, record and evaluate your individual contribution to a collaborative project. It is therefore essential that you maintain thorough documentation of your own research, development and production activities in response to the brief as well as your own on-going evaluation of your joint decisions working practices.
This means scheduling weekly meet ups, creating our own mini deadlines and being flexible with time management and work to balance the other deadlines we have. 

OUGD505: Ethics and sustainability in Graphic Design

Defining "ethics" - What does "ethics" mean?

1.Moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting of an activity.
2.The branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles.

It's something that's constantly evolving due to the state of the planet or opinions and politics. Can have an impact on what people think of other people, races, genders, countries etc. Improve equality between genders, sexualities, religions and different cultures. It should help people and not be offensive. It's easy to offend people because of ignorances. Design should create social change for the better and influence people.

Write 3 principles of ethical practice that you would like to adopt in your practice:

Financial - "Creating financially viable work focuses on the design issues that affect the costs of distribution and production."
Beneficial to make it as cost effective as possible on a commercial scale. Sends a message of not being wasteful.

Social - "The overall question posed by this agenda is whether the finished design benefits society as a whole."
Spreading a positive message is important to influence other people as negativity festers negativity. A piece of Graphic Design should try spread a strong optimistic message.

Environmental - "Environmentally responsible design is about considering the natural resources depleted in the production process."
Being resourceful as possible, using the most eco friendly products and design methods to produce work to withdraw from damage to the environment.

Nancy Bernard (in Heller [Ed], 2003):
'...without claiming to change the world, we can raise the level of integrity in our piece of it - "think globally, act locally."
"In reality branding, our responsibility is to make the communication 200 percent real. [...] Make it honest. Make it relevant. Avoid hyperbole. Be respectful."

Steven Heller (2003):
"A designer must be professionally, culturally, and socially responsible for the impact his or her design has on the citizenry."

Katherine McCoy (in Heller [Ed]. 2003):
On current practice: "Remove our freedom of speech and graphic designers might never notice. We have trained a profession that feels political or social concerns are either extraneous to our work, or inappropriate."
"...what I have in mind is nurturing a crop of active citizens - informed, concerned participants in society who happen to be graphic designers. [...] we must help them to clarify their personal values and to give them the tools to recognise when it is appropriate to act on them."

Organisations to take note:

Creative Concern, Manchester - born out of the belief that communications could change the world.

Footprint Workers Co-op - a print resource based at Cornerstone Resource Centre, sustainable approach to printing.

Cast Iron Design, Boulder, USA - Design for good not evil. We pair good design with positive impact by creating memorable brands, implementing environmentally responsible practises, and helping the design community do the same.

Re-Nourish - nonprofit organisation that provides online tools and advocates for awareness and action for sustainable systems thinking in the visual communication design community.