Tuesday, February 7, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Papyrus Student Brief - TBWA - Development

Original stars design:
Added moon and changed the direction of some stars:

Changed position of the text gap:

Original cacti one: 

Added detail in the background:

"I like the new composition of the star one."
"The cacti one is on trend at the moment, that is probably the best for a more adult colouring book."
"I prefer the cacti one without the lines."

Asked in a generally tally chart which one was preferred:
Star original one - 4
Star with moon - 3
Star with new composition - 3 
Cacti original one - 4
Cacti with lines - 6

Cacti one with the lines in the background was the most favoured. This is the one that will be submitted to the competition. 

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