Tuesday, February 14, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Thirsty Planet - App Concepts

First concept

It's all about making drinking water, cool right?
How many people just forget how much water to drink, a lot. I know I do.
The app would be in a loyalty card style so you get 8 illustrations of cups and you can see how much water you have consumed. You tap and the glass fills per each one you have had.
This makes sure the person is drinking water.
It looks like a reward system.
Then you can click how many and it tells you how much money would've been raised
Like a sense of self achievement

Second concept

Some people find ethics and sustainability genuinely really interesting in terms of being a cause.
So it could constantly give you updates and news on how the company is doing.
Gives you facts, statistics and updates on how thirsty planet is doing as a company.
Information on pump aid, videos, live feed, images etc.

Third concept

Activity and donation app, place in how many thirsty planet bottles you have bought.
You can see how much you have donated.
Reward scheme so after a certain amount you get a pdf for a free illustration and fun and quirky images and stuff like activities you can print out and do.
This would be more targeted at arty students.

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