Thursday, February 9, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Initial Thoughts and Discussion

Today Steven and I discussed the Thirsty Planet brief and read it in detail.

We have decided to conduct a survey on survey monkey regarding water and what influences people to buy specific types and how to make it 'cool' for younger people. We will keep the survey up for a week and collect the information and review it when we meet next Thursday.

We created a mind map of initial ideas with the word campaign in the middle then decided what to do as a campaign. 
-Ad website
-Social hub
-Info graphics
-Advertising in stores

Initially we thought of creating standard posters as this is a main part of advertising. We extended this to creating a billboard advertisement, bus advertisements and advertising at freshers fairs as thats where students (18-24 year olds) are situated. 

Other ideas were:
-Standard A4-A3 posters
-Leaflets A5
-Landscape designs - A5
-Rectangle billboard 
-Scroll poster
-Internet layout

We thought creating advertising collateral would be the most effective. We want to make something applicable to print and screen because young people spend more time on their phones than anything else. This is an extension of the original print idea. 

For the next time we meet we have allocated jobs to complete before we meet:
-Steven will do 10 rough thumbnails of designs for A4 posters
-I will think of app concepts - variations and sitemaps etc
Next meeting we will have a process of elimination when we see each others work and concepts and try get other people involved in feedback constantly.

Review of the session:
I think it was very productive, we know what we are designing for without having started actual design work. We spent a lot of time researching the benefits of drinking water and the brief and we are going to gain information from the survey etc. 

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