Monday, February 6, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 01 - Papyrus Student Brief - TBWA - Concepts & Feedback

Nature and being outdoors is calming. It's the open space and not feeling trapped. The designs have left space for a message of what makes you calm. All the designs are simple so they aren't overwhelming to look at on the page. People can choose the colour the background in if they wish. 





1. Which design do you prefer?
Star - 5
Flower - 4 
Cacti - 14

"I like the cacti one but maybe that's because I like plants?"
"I like the star designs and the simplicity of the design which could be quite calming however I think the cactuses leave a lot of room for creativity and colour for the audience."

2. Is there anything you would change about them?
"Maybe the spacing between them."
"The gap where you would have the writing could be in a different place."
"Maybe add more detail, background looks too plain."
"Might look boring on an a3, could imagine it as one sheet maybe combine some designs."
"Maybe with the stars add another variation of design like the moon to write on maybe? Also maybe change the direction of some of the stars."

3. Do you like the minimalist style?
"Yeah, it fits the requirements."
"The lines could be a bit thicker or varied."
"I like the minimal style I think its calming in its accessibility also can be done quite quickly which might be good for stress relief."
"love the minimalist style would maybe add some colour."

4. What makes you calm?
"Being by myself."
"Scenery makes me calm like the ocean and nature."

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