Friday, February 24, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Initial Concepts

Political, social and ethical issues.

In recent years veganism has become a more popular diet. This is because people are becoming more aware of the meat and dairy industry and the factors of animal cruelty and environmental issues from consuming animal products. Although people have very strong opinions on people that say they are vegan because vegans are stigmatised to have strong preachy opinions.

Generally there is a lot of negativity in the world. This is seen through the news on a daily basis such as issues with recent politics. People are more quick to complain about something than be excited about something. This is constantly on social media. Negativity festers more negativity. So ideally, would like to create graphic design with a positive outlook.

Selling Out
Within creative careers there's sometimes the issue of "selling out."Your ethics and beliefs could be sold for money because at the end of the day people do need to make a living.

Not Paying Artists
On the other side of selling out, theres the expectation of working for free. Excuses such as "we're a new company so we don't have the funds to pay you" or "it would be a great promotional opportunity for you." You wouldn't go to the shop with the intention of buying something and not paying for it so why would you not pay for a creatives work.

Within schools. This links with bullying.

Drug Abuse
Abuse with substances is a common problem. Closing down fabric because of drug culture but the problem doesn't stop if one club closes down. It is everywhere.

Alcohol Abuse
Large culture surrounding drinking, alcoholism.

Some people are for and some people are against. It is a moral issue. It is in relation to cultural and social opinions. Some religions don't believe in it such as Christianity.

Can't deceive someone into doing a study, have to have consent.

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