Thursday, February 9, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Collaborative Contract

Task 01:

Define what is your motivation for undertaking your collaboration:
-To work with someone with a different skill set to me
-To work with someone on a course that I would like to explore
-To work with someone that doesn't think the same way I do in terms of practise and conceptually
-To work on a brief I wouldn't initially choose

What methods of communication will you use and how often will you meet:
-Thursday will be responsive day
-Will meet once a week for definite then wherever else as possible
-Other methods of communication will be FaceTime and phone calls or messages throughout the week.

What skill sets does each member of your collaborative team bring:

Me - Graphic Design
-Conceptual thinking
-Research methods
-Presentation boards - design boards
-Layout consideration

Steven - Illustration
-Illustrative skills
-Strong software skills
-Different perspective

Task 02:

Collaborative creative contract

Brief Title: 
Thirsty Planet

What are you looking for in a creative partner? What are your aims?
An illustrator.
Someone that will be innovative.
To be ambitious.

What are your specific areas of creative interest?

What specific creative skills do you have to offer in relation to a creative partnership? How do 
you intend to use them?
Design boards

What specific non-creative skills do you have to offer in relation to a creative partnership?
Organisation & time management
Checking up on people - make sure they're up to date with what's happening

Do you intend to use them?

What do you see your specific roles be in the collaboration?
Conceptual and research
Input in everything
Probably creating the main bulk of the design presentation

What will your joint responsibilities be? How will you deal with your project costs and budget?
Planning, concept, design.
Try make it as cheap as possible because students and target audience.
Thirsty planet is also a charity so their budget wouldn't be massive.

Partner 1 Steven Tran

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