Friday, February 3, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Collaborative Practice - Choosing A Collaborative Partner and Brief

Why should I collaborate? 
As a Graphic Design student interested in illustration. It would be interesting to work with someone that actually takes the illustration course at LCA. 
Who will I work with? 
Steven Tran from Illustration
'What brief will we choose?
We have chosen the thirsty planet brief.
Create a campaign to raise awareness of Thirsty Planet spring water – make enjoying healthy hydration, whilst also doing good, ‘cool’
The Brief 
Your brief is to create a campaign to raise awareness of the newly branded Thirsty Planet range within 18-24 year olds. Our challenge is to make enjoying healthy hydration, whilst also doing good, ‘cool’

What do I need to submit?
A campaign design for Thirsty Planet.

How will I be assessed? 
Need to work on my individual ability to plan,negotiate, manage, record and evaluate your individual contribution to a collaborative project. It is therefore essential that you maintain thorough documentation of your own research, development and production activities in response to the brief as well as your own on-going evaluation of your joint decisions working practices.
This means scheduling weekly meet ups, creating our own mini deadlines and being flexible with time management and work to balance the other deadlines we have. 

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