Thursday, October 29, 2015

OUGD403: Studio Brief 1 - Logotype Evaluation

My final logo is made from chasing embers font. I added it to the current Paperchase website so that it could be seen in context during the final crit.

I do not like how this project went I think my design approach was weak because instead of using a premade font that was hand rendered, I could have created my own hand rendered font which is what I had experimented with at the beginning so I could have further developed that idea of creating a hand drawn logo instead. It would have been more personal and bespoke too. I just found that this font really reflected Paperchase and the concept of using a premade font was still prominent in my mind but I did not want to use a font such as Helvetica because it is too commercialised as it as used for so many logos. However, I did feel like the concept for that was better so I could have potentially developed that further. I also think that I should have tested more analogue methods to create a rebrand logo rather then work almost straight to digital after some initial sketches. Although I did a variety of medias including water colour, ink and gold pen. If I had known how to create the effects of these different textures digitally I could have rendered my own font to reflect that but because I do not know how to as of now I used Chasing Embers because it is textured and gives the effect of watercolour. I think that at a distance this logo may become illegible but I think it works digitally on web design. 

Overall, I am disappointed in my final outcome. If I was to do this project again I would develop the hand rendered element more to experiment in different techniques and medias. 

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