Thursday, October 15, 2015

OUGD403: Paperchase Rebrand Sketches

I started experimenting with hand lettering for the Paperchase logo because it is already in caligraphy but I will experiment with already existing typefaces for the logo to see if any fit with the style of this company. I also experimented with a gold pen and gold ink to see the different styles that could be created through this. I liked using the gold pen because it made writing out Paperchase effortless as seen by these two examples:
I personally feel these two are better than the others because there is more fluidity in the lettering whereas the watercolour one was uneven. It is demonstrated by the top logo from the last image. Then the fine liner ones seemed too thin. I also think the p in the second logo of this image looks like a heart which could be portrayed as a feminine take on the current logo. I decided to add dashes to make the in-between look like a little path or trail to add emphasis on the word chase. 

Tomorrow we will have group crits and I think this will be beneficial to establish these three things:

3 questions:
1. For rebranding is it better to stick with a similar style to the old logo or completely deviate from that?
2. What do you think of paperchases' current logo?
3. What colours would you associate with Paperchase and why?

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