Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Whitney Museum Rebrand Analysis

Initially I thought the rebranding of the Whitney Museum looks like it lacks sophistication. I first perceived the logo as two downwards arrows instead of a W. This is because the dips are so deep. I felt that this design lacked sophistication because it is so minimalist. However, the minimalism works in the design's favour because it makes it applicable to many different products as demonstrated by the image above.

The W is also manipulated in a way in which it goes from being a single letterform logo to a geometric shape and holds it into a W shaped grid as a platform for a variety of text. In this example it uses the word "Whitney" and places an artists signature on it. It infers connection and evidently the idea of a museum is to connect the audience with the art. Thus meaning the rebranded logo coexists with the artist with the museum connecting it to you.
 The following image is a further example that the design can be easily applicable and adaptable to work in favour of the museum to keep a consistency throughout with this simple design.

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