Wednesday, March 29, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range, Distribution - Researching The Issue Further

Another issue within sexual harassment in clubs is promotion of rape culture. Sexual harassment and extensions of it are a sensitive topic so within the design it needs to be light hearted but get the message across by being strong and empowering.

Rape Culture

Definition: "a society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and abuse."

Lad Culture 

Definition: "A term that originates from the media that describes the behaviour of young males in the student lifestyle."

These cultures try to normalise sexual harassment (and further) because it's seen as humorous behaviour. 

It happens in schools as well as clubs. It could potentially be something that is also promoted a lot within student life - this is where lad culture comes in. It needs to be taught around universities that it's not okay. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range, Distribution - Researching Sticker Art

Definition: "Sticker Art is a form of street at in which an image or message is publicly displayed using stickers. These stickers may promote a political agenda, comment on a policy or issue, or comprise a subcategory or graffiti."

The point of preventing sexual harassment is clubs is because people need to be made aware it's wrong. To stop promoting rape culture and making it excusable. It needs to be an effective way of getting the message across.

Photograph the stickers in impromptu situations.

Colour scheme:
Pastel - appeal to a female audience, stand out because bars are usually dark and black.

Potential messages & feedback suggestions:

"Don't touch me."
"No thanks."
"Don't be a dick."
"No means no."
"I'm not yours."
"I am my own being."
"I control my own body."
"Be aware if anyone needs help."
"Are you asking for it? Consent."
"Empower, accept, love."
"My body not yours."

Other feedback:

"You should sticker bomb club bathrooms too because girls look around there too."

Monday, March 27, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 01 - Leeds West Indian Carnival - Production - Lino

Definition of lino printing is "A design is cut into the linoleum surface with a sharp knife, V-shaped chisel or gouge, with the raised (uncarved) areas representing a reversal (mirror image) of the parts to show printed. The linoleumsheet is inked with a roller (called a brayer), and then impressed onto paper or fabric."

The process is time consuming but it's going to create an imperfect texture to the print. It's important to make sure the ink doesn't cover the sheet because then it will bleed and look horrible on the print. I want it to be rough and have specs because then the design will have more movement within it and look fluid which will mimic the energy within the carnival. 

Costs for production from Fred Aldous was £30 for the materials, lino cutter, black paint and gold ink etc. 

Stock purchased was colour plan paper because of the vibrancy of the paper in 135gsm so that it is not too thick but can hold the paint and ink without bleeding or going through the paper. 

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range, Distribution - Initial Ideas

Feedback from presentation:

Consider strategy for men or women, awareness is the most obvious approach. Consider more ambiguous and subtle approaches. 

Idea One:
To create a set of posters or a leaflet giving information based on making people more aware of sexual assault within clubs.
Alternative to this is to create a zine with information based on sexual harassment. It should be taught to men not to conduct acts of unwanted physical contact towards women. Instead of just having females know how to prevent it or to protect themselves from it. It would be more tactile to stop the problem by making men aware it's not okay to do it by making them feel bad.

-More informational.
-Give statistics.
-Serious undertone.

Idea Two:
Advertising supporting Drinkaware "you wouldn't sober, you shouldn't drunk." They currently sell informational packs, leaflets and downloadable with information but they could use more advertising or products that work with this range.

Idea Three:
A very social media influenced, modern interpretation of advertising collateral. Very influenced by feminism. Phrases such as "down with misogyny" - enamel pins or funny/witty ones. Some examples from fairycakes and punkypins on etsy.

Other products that could be made are stickers. Bars, pubs, clubs could be sticker bombed. 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 01 - Leeds West Indian Carnival - Outfit Research After Feedback

After feedback I conducted more research on the Leeds West Indian Carnival outfits. A lot of it is very small items of clothing such as bralets or croptops with shorts or underwear styled bottoms or a skirt and t shirt. Then completed covered with feathers, sequins, gems and jewels. It's all very colourful and vibrant. It radiates fun and looks exciting. A lot of colours are mixed and layered. Primary colours stand out a lot and the sparkly asset from the sequins and jewellery could be a major part of the print design. 

OUGD505: Studio Brief 01 - Leeds West Indian Carnival - Feedback on Initial Sketches & Sketchbook

Throughout the project I have kept an A3 sketchbook in which I included water colour sketches and rough drawings that could be transformed into a print. I chose to keep an A3 one because that is the size of the required print and I wanted to make sure that it would fit the page. I let people look through it and tell me what colours worked and they liked and any other suggestions they could make for me to create sketches of.

"You do a lot of black and white you definitely need to make your final print colourful."
"Focus on the outfits and the detail within the outfits. The beads, sequins and feathers are interesting. Study those a bit more. Look at other carnivals and how they dress maybe compare and see what makes the Leeds West Indian carnival unique and special."
"I like the colours in the yellow and orange wheel."
"Just keep doing sketches. Do more ones that fill the page and experiment with your prints within it."

Friday, March 17, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 01 - Leeds Public Spaces - West Indian Carnival Sketches

I started an A3 sketchbook so I could start initial sketches. These are the more developed ones and the direction I want the design to take. It focuses on a girl as the main figure because it the west indian carnival is a large event based on parades and people dancing and enjoying life so it would be a dancer. Then a lot of the costumes have designs with feathers and sequins so I decided to create patterns using those and music notes to signify the dancing and create motion within the print.

Monday, March 13, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Brief

The issue is that there is a culture surrounding sexual harassment in everyday life but it is promoted in club culture because of the environment. How can we make people aware that this is wrong and consent needs to be enforced more? 
To create a campaign to make people more aware of rape culture, sexual harassment and consent. The project needs to be informative but make people take notice and realise what the difference between a crime and harmless fun is. Include practical content that is both physically printed and produced digitally to spread awareness through multiple platforms and appeal to a younger audience and anyone that is involved in clubs.

Target Audience
  • Students
  • People involved in club culture
  • People that drink
  • People that go out 
  • 16+

  • A campaign to inform people on sexual harassment/consent
  • Advertising collateral 
  • Design Boards
Supporting Resources/Information
  •  Drinkaware

Sunday, March 12, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Presentation Research - Sexual Harassment in Clubs

Issue: Sexual Harassment in Clubs.

My issue for 505 is sexual harassment in clubs. It is a societal issue. 

For some reason men think it's okay to harass women in clubs. I wanted to specify in clubs because in clubs it’s seen as “normal” and people feel it’s more acceptable in club culture because it’s dark and obvious everyones goal is to get with other people. they don’t see it as sexual harassment they just see it as trying to pull. It completely undermines the issue of consent. 

In my research I found an article that stated there was a promotional video from a leeds club that advertised raping a fresher. This is literally illegal and a massive problem people overlook.

It deals with issues of misogyny and sexism. A lot of time articles will blame the women for dressing inappropriately or "asking for it" which is disgusting or because they are drunk it's seen as okay to take advantage of someone. For example the Brock Turner rape case where he raped someone because she was intoxicated and unconscious and his sentence was only 3 months.  They victim blamed and because he was an honour student and blamed it on drinks when drinks are not the issue. 

In 2014 a study by the alcohol education organisation Drinkaware found that of 1,198 women it surveyed who were aged 18-24, nearly a third had been groped or received unwanted physical attention during a night out. 

I conducted my own survey for women aged 18-24 after seeing all these hideous statistics and options and found that 

-everyone I had surveyed had experienced unwanted physical contact.
-it's a frequent occurrence
-people have had to look after friends from being harassed
-it makes the night out less enjoyable
-it's been described as disgusting, horrible, disprectful
-makes people feel unsafe in clubs

Sources for statistics in the presentation:
Study by NUS on lad culture

Friday, March 10, 2017

OUGD505: OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range and Distribution - Sexual Harassment Full Survey Results

These survey results are from twenty 18-24 year old females. 

Have you ever experienced unwanted physical attention in a club?
Yes - 14
No - 6

Is it a frequent occurrence or has it only happened once?
"a couple of times"
"never happened"
"fairly frequent"
"only happened once so far"
"usually at least once per night out"
"every time"

What is your opinion on guys trying to touch girls without consent in clubs?
"it's horrible because some guys don't even take no or saying you have a boyfriend as a reason to stop they keep going"
"it's disgusting, but i kinda get it because until we actually say "no" they're too dumb to understand, but if they try after we've made clear we don't want it, they're real pigs."
"disgusting. people should not touch others without their consent. a club environment is not an invitation to let people do so."
"i mean, unfortunately it happens but it isn't nice. But I also find when I tell them to fuck off they usually do"
"they are disgusting human beings, that need to be stopped."
"it's gross and horribly disrespectful"
"absolutely hideous behaviour."

Have you ever had to get a friend away from a guy that has tried to physically approach them?
"yes, some guys literally don't get the hint, my friend and I had to act like a lesbian couple for him to understand he wasn't wanted"
"yes, multiple times"
"yes, every time i go out"

Does it make your experience in a club more uncomfortable?
"not really, I get over it pretty easily, but I would feel better if I don't have to think something might happen to me whilst going out."
"a bit"
"for that moment in time then I kind of just forget about it"
"depends how much I've had to drink, but usually yes, makes everyone a bit more on edge"
"i'm constantly wary"

Do you feel unsafe in clubs because of this?
"no, i never go out alone, and i know my friends have my back."
"not too much"
"not really no"
"sometimes, depends where i am and who i'm with at the time."

Are there any provisions you think clubs should put in place to avoid this from happening?
"what about mums teaching their sons to act appropriately? no but in all realness, if you can find a way clubs could stop this, you'll be rich."
"i think security should be made more aware and are able to be on-hand or be a supportive access for people to allow to report people who are sexually abusing people"
"don't let those who cause trouble in clubs in"
"i wouldn't know sorry"
"possibly posters to remind people that it's not okay, or a section where girls can go be away from needy guys/feel safe."
"bouncers should remove offenders from the venue"
"boys just need to learn to not be dicks."

Thursday, March 9, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Thirsty Planet - Wire Frames

As a response to the Thirsty Planet brief to create a campaign to make drinking water more appealing to 18-24 year olds we have decided to create an app. The concept of the app is to make the person engage with Thirsty Planet and drink more water. It will monitor your water intake and you can track how successful you have been with drinking water throughout the day. You can create a profile and sync this with friends so that you can track how well they are doing and there is a page of achievements for a self accomplishment aspect to make the app more rewarding. Similar to how snapchat has trophies when you've unlocked new levels or points. 

The first page is the log in / sign up page. This is accessed through scanning in a QR code from a bottle of thirsty planet water you have purchased. This lets Thirsty Planet know you have at least purchased one bottle from them making the change. 

This is what it brings you to when you have chosen if you want to log in or register. This means you scan in the code then create an account.

The next page displays a timer and illustrations of bottles which will be filled as you drink more water. 

The next page is a calendar. It will be a similar design to the one you get built in on an apple phone because it shows the days, monthly and has an easy scroll. It will document your successes. 

You can tap on a day and it will show you your achievements for the day. 

Instead of having it in rectangular lines the achievements could be in squares.

This page is a profile page. You can set an image. See reminders and about me. 

Other features is that you could be able to sign in with Facebook or Google Plus. Scan in extra codes to unlock more achievements. Share your progress with friends and link your progress with friends. As in our feedback in the survey we found that people would be more inclined to use it as a social hub if they could connect with people. 

The next step is to start designing what the app is going to look like and incorporate the Thirsty Planet design to it. It also needs to be an engaging and interactive platform that refers back to the website. We need to consider type faces and finalised designs.