Wednesday, March 8, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Collaborative Project - YCN - Thirsty Planet - Initial Site Map

The site map features an initial home page to which the person will then chose to log in or register. You register by scanning in a QR code which will be on the bottle which means you can create an account if you don't already have one. Then it brings you to a new home page once you have logged in. This showers a reminder and count down timer to remind people to drink water. Then buttons at the bottom for different options such as a calendar to track and log your process of drinking water and if you have succeeded today and show you the progress throughout the month as an overview. The record page is where you can add data for the day and track your achievements. The settings button means you can log out of the app and having a personalised page. The sharing button is to help connect with friends and sync your achievements to others making it more interactive. This could still  be developed further by adding extra buttons and links or functions for the app.  

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