Thursday, March 9, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Thirsty Planet - Wire Frames

As a response to the Thirsty Planet brief to create a campaign to make drinking water more appealing to 18-24 year olds we have decided to create an app. The concept of the app is to make the person engage with Thirsty Planet and drink more water. It will monitor your water intake and you can track how successful you have been with drinking water throughout the day. You can create a profile and sync this with friends so that you can track how well they are doing and there is a page of achievements for a self accomplishment aspect to make the app more rewarding. Similar to how snapchat has trophies when you've unlocked new levels or points. 

The first page is the log in / sign up page. This is accessed through scanning in a QR code from a bottle of thirsty planet water you have purchased. This lets Thirsty Planet know you have at least purchased one bottle from them making the change. 

This is what it brings you to when you have chosen if you want to log in or register. This means you scan in the code then create an account.

The next page displays a timer and illustrations of bottles which will be filled as you drink more water. 

The next page is a calendar. It will be a similar design to the one you get built in on an apple phone because it shows the days, monthly and has an easy scroll. It will document your successes. 

You can tap on a day and it will show you your achievements for the day. 

Instead of having it in rectangular lines the achievements could be in squares.

This page is a profile page. You can set an image. See reminders and about me. 

Other features is that you could be able to sign in with Facebook or Google Plus. Scan in extra codes to unlock more achievements. Share your progress with friends and link your progress with friends. As in our feedback in the survey we found that people would be more inclined to use it as a social hub if they could connect with people. 

The next step is to start designing what the app is going to look like and incorporate the Thirsty Planet design to it. It also needs to be an engaging and interactive platform that refers back to the website. We need to consider type faces and finalised designs. 

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