Monday, March 27, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range, Distribution - Initial Ideas

Feedback from presentation:

Consider strategy for men or women, awareness is the most obvious approach. Consider more ambiguous and subtle approaches. 

Idea One:
To create a set of posters or a leaflet giving information based on making people more aware of sexual assault within clubs.
Alternative to this is to create a zine with information based on sexual harassment. It should be taught to men not to conduct acts of unwanted physical contact towards women. Instead of just having females know how to prevent it or to protect themselves from it. It would be more tactile to stop the problem by making men aware it's not okay to do it by making them feel bad.

-More informational.
-Give statistics.
-Serious undertone.

Idea Two:
Advertising supporting Drinkaware "you wouldn't sober, you shouldn't drunk." They currently sell informational packs, leaflets and downloadable with information but they could use more advertising or products that work with this range.

Idea Three:
A very social media influenced, modern interpretation of advertising collateral. Very influenced by feminism. Phrases such as "down with misogyny" - enamel pins or funny/witty ones. Some examples from fairycakes and punkypins on etsy.

Other products that could be made are stickers. Bars, pubs, clubs could be sticker bombed. 

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