Wednesday, March 1, 2017

OUGD503: Studio Brief 02 - Thirsty Planet - Survey Results

We conducted a survey to get opinions from 18-24 year olds on what would make "drinking water cooler" and more appealing to this demographic. Here are the results to help influence our design:

Q1: What would influence you to drink more water?
"I already drink the recommended daily amount."
"More taps free to use in public like in italy!!"
"Health aspect"
"A cute water bottle"
"More water filling stations for your water bottle"
"Perhaps if there were specific times of the day during college/uni allocated to drink water - and constant reminders e.g: posters or something around my college (or in the halls/campus at uni)"
"A reminder to drink it"
"If I constantly had some on me"
"I always forget to drink water so if I see someone else drinking it I'm more likely to realise oh I haven't had a drink in a while then go make a cup of tea."

Q2: What makes buying a specific bottle of water interesting? Why do you chose a specific brand?
"I don't I filter my own"
"I don't buy waters ever!! That's bullshit"
"The appearance of the bottle is quite important and which one stands out but mostly the price is the biggest influence."
"I like smart water, their bottles are big and look cool."
"It's got my favourite movie on it"
"I choose the cheapest brand because water is water and anyone that falls for that mineral water crap is stupid. I'd rather drink straight outta tap to be honest."
"I like if it's been advertised well. For example smart water."
"I buy water my parents buy at home or whatever is on offer."
"The bottle massively impacts my purchase"

Q3: Thirst Planet is a brand of water that is ethical, how do we take thirsty planet and make it appeal to 18-24 year olds?
"Less childish branding"
"Quit plastic bottles"
"Maybe look more into the student demographic and what potential it has"
"advertise! put it in a nice bottle, nice logo."
"put cool sayings on the front that people relate to"
"show the harsh realities of other brands of water - if there is any harmful ways that water is currently made then make that an obvious point through media etc and show that an ethical brand of water is much better"
"make the packaging nice"
"maybe try with a more professional look"
"making it more playful"

Q4: Would you buy a bottle of water that's more expensive if it was ethical?
"If I was aware the possibly"
"If you are selling h2o it's not ethical"
"Depends how expensive - if it was ridiculous like Fiji water then no but if it's only a few pennies more maybe if the ethical reasons for buying the water were valid and clearly worth the extra money."

Q5: What kind of advertising do you think is more effective?

Q6: What would make you use as a social hub?
"Nothing I wouldn't"
"Maybe volunteering and getting involved with charity aspects?"
"I'm not sure"
"If my friends used it"
"If I could connect with friends"
"If I could get other people involved"
"Only if it connects you to people like a social networking site"

Q7: What brand of water don't you like? Why? 
(This question was so that we could see what competitors do wrong.)
"Voss, there's no need."
"Ones that use plastic and big corporations aka everyone"
"Fiji maybe? The pricing is silly"
"I don't not like any"
"Expensive ones like smart water"
"The expensive ones like smart water and Fiji because their branding is a MASSIVE CON"
"Any that are overpriced"
"Water is just water"

Q8: What is your favourite benefit of drinking water?
"Staying healthy"
"I don't die"
"Healthy skin and feeling good"
"I feel healthy"
"It makes me less thirsty"
"Feeling energised / clear and healthy skin"
"Less dehydrated"
"So I don't get headaches"

Q9: What would persuade you to drink more water?
"It being more accessible"
"If there were positive health and environmental/social I aspect to drink and buying the product"
"Reminding me of the health benefits"
"See question 1 answer"
"If I was given water a lot more (e.g: wen out in a restaurant - mandatory glass of water given)"

Q10: What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of water?
"Health and wellness, pure, clean etc"

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