Wednesday, March 29, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range, Distribution - Researching The Issue Further

Another issue within sexual harassment in clubs is promotion of rape culture. Sexual harassment and extensions of it are a sensitive topic so within the design it needs to be light hearted but get the message across by being strong and empowering.

Rape Culture

Definition: "a society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and abuse."

Lad Culture 

Definition: "A term that originates from the media that describes the behaviour of young males in the student lifestyle."

These cultures try to normalise sexual harassment (and further) because it's seen as humorous behaviour. 

It happens in schools as well as clubs. It could potentially be something that is also promoted a lot within student life - this is where lad culture comes in. It needs to be taught around universities that it's not okay. 

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