Sunday, March 12, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Presentation Research - Sexual Harassment in Clubs

Issue: Sexual Harassment in Clubs.

My issue for 505 is sexual harassment in clubs. It is a societal issue. 

For some reason men think it's okay to harass women in clubs. I wanted to specify in clubs because in clubs it’s seen as “normal” and people feel it’s more acceptable in club culture because it’s dark and obvious everyones goal is to get with other people. they don’t see it as sexual harassment they just see it as trying to pull. It completely undermines the issue of consent. 

In my research I found an article that stated there was a promotional video from a leeds club that advertised raping a fresher. This is literally illegal and a massive problem people overlook.

It deals with issues of misogyny and sexism. A lot of time articles will blame the women for dressing inappropriately or "asking for it" which is disgusting or because they are drunk it's seen as okay to take advantage of someone. For example the Brock Turner rape case where he raped someone because she was intoxicated and unconscious and his sentence was only 3 months.  They victim blamed and because he was an honour student and blamed it on drinks when drinks are not the issue. 

In 2014 a study by the alcohol education organisation Drinkaware found that of 1,198 women it surveyed who were aged 18-24, nearly a third had been groped or received unwanted physical attention during a night out. 

I conducted my own survey for women aged 18-24 after seeing all these hideous statistics and options and found that 

-everyone I had surveyed had experienced unwanted physical contact.
-it's a frequent occurrence
-people have had to look after friends from being harassed
-it makes the night out less enjoyable
-it's been described as disgusting, horrible, disprectful
-makes people feel unsafe in clubs

Sources for statistics in the presentation:
Study by NUS on lad culture

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