Monday, March 13, 2017

OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Brief

The issue is that there is a culture surrounding sexual harassment in everyday life but it is promoted in club culture because of the environment. How can we make people aware that this is wrong and consent needs to be enforced more? 
To create a campaign to make people more aware of rape culture, sexual harassment and consent. The project needs to be informative but make people take notice and realise what the difference between a crime and harmless fun is. Include practical content that is both physically printed and produced digitally to spread awareness through multiple platforms and appeal to a younger audience and anyone that is involved in clubs.

Target Audience
  • Students
  • People involved in club culture
  • People that drink
  • People that go out 
  • 16+

  • A campaign to inform people on sexual harassment/consent
  • Advertising collateral 
  • Design Boards
Supporting Resources/Information
  •  Drinkaware

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