Friday, March 10, 2017

OUGD505: OUGD505: Studio Brief 02 - Product, Range and Distribution - Sexual Harassment Full Survey Results

These survey results are from twenty 18-24 year old females. 

Have you ever experienced unwanted physical attention in a club?
Yes - 14
No - 6

Is it a frequent occurrence or has it only happened once?
"a couple of times"
"never happened"
"fairly frequent"
"only happened once so far"
"usually at least once per night out"
"every time"

What is your opinion on guys trying to touch girls without consent in clubs?
"it's horrible because some guys don't even take no or saying you have a boyfriend as a reason to stop they keep going"
"it's disgusting, but i kinda get it because until we actually say "no" they're too dumb to understand, but if they try after we've made clear we don't want it, they're real pigs."
"disgusting. people should not touch others without their consent. a club environment is not an invitation to let people do so."
"i mean, unfortunately it happens but it isn't nice. But I also find when I tell them to fuck off they usually do"
"they are disgusting human beings, that need to be stopped."
"it's gross and horribly disrespectful"
"absolutely hideous behaviour."

Have you ever had to get a friend away from a guy that has tried to physically approach them?
"yes, some guys literally don't get the hint, my friend and I had to act like a lesbian couple for him to understand he wasn't wanted"
"yes, multiple times"
"yes, every time i go out"

Does it make your experience in a club more uncomfortable?
"not really, I get over it pretty easily, but I would feel better if I don't have to think something might happen to me whilst going out."
"a bit"
"for that moment in time then I kind of just forget about it"
"depends how much I've had to drink, but usually yes, makes everyone a bit more on edge"
"i'm constantly wary"

Do you feel unsafe in clubs because of this?
"no, i never go out alone, and i know my friends have my back."
"not too much"
"not really no"
"sometimes, depends where i am and who i'm with at the time."

Are there any provisions you think clubs should put in place to avoid this from happening?
"what about mums teaching their sons to act appropriately? no but in all realness, if you can find a way clubs could stop this, you'll be rich."
"i think security should be made more aware and are able to be on-hand or be a supportive access for people to allow to report people who are sexually abusing people"
"don't let those who cause trouble in clubs in"
"i wouldn't know sorry"
"possibly posters to remind people that it's not okay, or a section where girls can go be away from needy guys/feel safe."
"bouncers should remove offenders from the venue"
"boys just need to learn to not be dicks."

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