Sunday, April 17, 2016

OUGD404: Overall Module Evaluation

I found OUGD404 the module I had learned the most on so far in terms of Graphic Design because of all the terminology used and the techniques. I knew pretty much nothing about publications, layouts and editorial design before completing the study tasks within this module. I have realised publications are very difficult are require a lot of planning and thought into production otherwise the final product could look terrible as demonstrated by my second publication. I feel like I engaged a lot with this module and found it very interesting. I prefer my first publication to my second one because of the layout but I was being quite experimental with my layouts and will take into consideration production and time management in the future. I set mini deadlines within this module to ensure I got the work done within the time limit and I found this extremely useful. It will be something I will carry onto second year. I think the study tasks were extremely useful and relevant in creating our publications. I didn't realise how difficult it was to layout a publication before this or how important type setting is. I found study task 8 the most interesting to complete. I enjoyed this because typesetting isn't something I had taken into consideration before. It was also really interesting looking at the different types of publication designs. A lot have a very modernist and contemporary style and aesthetic. They use bold, professional imagery and very little text. Before the course these types of publications I never really looked at or knew existed but they are definitely something I would be interesting in looking at further in my time on the course to expand my knowledge and understanding of their designs. I hope the clean, modernist style impacts my design aesthetic more and I learn to properly create a publication in the style of a book that would be produced properly. This is why I created a back up book incase having the inserts and hand rendered effect look too unprofessional.

My first publication was easier than the second one and aesthetically I prefer this one. I found that the feedback was very helpful in the production. I found getting inspiration from other publications heavily influenced my design and content decisions with my publications. Such as kinfolk, cereal, the museum of broken relationships diary and the pantone 100 post cards set. Even though the execution of the second publication was not the best the feedback was very positive and I know what to improve on next time. It helped me understand that asking for feedback from other people is very important especially not to just ask other Graphic Design students because legibility and readability is something that varies person to person. I think outside opinions means they focus on the publication as a whole without the knowledge and understanding of layout design and that was important in the execution of the publication. Editorial design and publications are something I am interested in for my developing practise as a Graphic Design student.

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