Friday, April 22, 2016

OUGD406: Studio Brief 03 - Press Pack


Press kits are commonly used for:
  • Product launches
  • New company launch
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • News conferences
  • Large events / Industry trade shows

Common components

  • Backgrounder with historical information on the company or individual.
  • Fact sheet listing specific features, statistics, or benefits.
  • Biographies of key executives, individuals, artists, etc.
  • Past press coverage
  • Photos or other images (high resolution) of key executives, logos, products, etc.
  • press release detailing the current news the media kit is sent in reference to
  • Media contact information (usually of a public relations department or spokesperson)
  • A CD, DVD, software title, video, etc. as appropriate for the sender of the release
  • Collateral advertising material, such as: postcard, flier, newspaper ad, etc.

Band press kits

Press kits are a common promotional tool used by musicians when launching a new album. Band press kits often have their own unique set of components, including:[citation needed]
  • Band biography / History of the band
  • CD
  • Color photos (many corporate photos are done in black and white for newspaper print purposes)
  • Contact information for the band's label, manager, publicist, or other representative
  • Discography (all previous albums released by the band)
  • Equipment list (if the kit is being sent to live music venue)

Our press pack:

We discussed earlier on to create a press pack in a box to send to design studios to invite them to the exhibition. It would include a small postcard or leaflet with the even time and space and on the reverse side a UV message hand written to them to give it a personalised factor. The package would also include a UV pen so that they could see the message. This makes it more interactive. 

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