Wednesday, April 13, 2016

OUGD406: Studio Brief 3 - Advertising in Social Media - Ideas

In our group I chose to look at the consideration and use of advertising in social media. My individual contribution to the group was:

Hashtags based on the exhibition and LCA so it gives exposure to the exhibition but also Leeds College of Art: #FutureOfMoney, #LCALTPM, #LCAMoneyExhibition, #LicenseToPrintMoney. Twitter - Updates of when it’s on. Dates/Times etc. Pictures of students work and the actual exhibition. Directions of where it is. Could follow designers and students on this account to promote it and local pages relevant to Leeds and advertising Leeds. An account called Leeds Facts followed me the other day they currently have 24k followers and I saw another Leeds local place as if they would do a "shout out" type tweet which is basically a promotional tweet to gain more exposure. I think they do promotion type tweets so contacting them for advertising purposes or any Leeds based placed could give the exhibition more exposure. Accounts such as independent Leeds that advertise what there is to do in Leeds would be ideal for our target audience. Facebook Page - Logo the same as twitter one. Header with the future of money or a picture of the exhibition when it’s been done. Updates of dates and times etc, linked with twitter and instagram account. Instagram Account - shows work from students, gains more exposure. Follow creatives and Leeds local places too similar to the twitter account. And then obviously we'll use a consistent logo throughout, was thinking it could maybe display one of the hashtags or something like this but not this exact thing obviously.

First I thought we could use this but seeing as it's social media and hashtags are very important to collate all the imagery together. We could use make the logo a hashtag on social media so it remains consistent and people know which tags we are using instead of having a load of random ones which was my initial idea. 

I sent these in the chat with the rest of my group so they could see I was independently doing research on my chosen section but also wanting feedback and help. It's important that even though we are researching or looking further in-depth into some aspects of the project that we all help each other and contribute on the chat and in discussions which is what we had agreed to do. 

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