Tuesday, April 26, 2016

OUGD406: Studio Brief 03 - Investing In Art - Finalised Group Project Work and Evaluation

Everyone's individual contributions and work:







Group Contract:
Throughout we hard organised short deadlines and small group contracts similar to this:

This ensured we all did the work and had jobs. They were all agreed with in group meetings and we constantly helped each other if help was required. 


Our concept was to focus primarily on the typeface. We chose sevastapol interface.
We adapted this typeface into a style that works in accordance with what we were trying to achieve through the exhibition design. This typeface links because it is geometric and futuristic. This reflects the construction of the building. It's visually interesting and dynamic. We decided to chose a stock market approach to the exhibition which resulted in the name change "Investing in Art."


Location: Bank House

Exhibitors: LCA Students Level 4 and 5
Social media, links, hashtags etc: InvestingInArt, LCAExhibition.  

Contact Details: For the group we contacted each other through Facebook. Contact details for the exhibition would be a Facebook page and on the twitter page.

Signage, way-marking: We have chosen to keep quite a minimalist modernist theme and approach to our design so that it does not distract from the actual exhibition art work. This keeps a consistency and makes it simple to navigate throughout the building. 
Opening night Invites: The concept considering giving away a press pack to design studios. This is what I decided to design and create. Example mock up of what would be given:

It would read: 
"Dear [Insert Design Studio,]
We at LCA would like to invite you to the Investing in Art exhibition. This will be held at Bank House, Leeds and take place through May. It is a unique and innovating exhibition of Level 4 and 5 work on the concept of traditionally printed money and the future of the bank note. Hope to see you there!"

The pack will include UV hand written message on the back to give a more personal aspect to such a geometric and digital design. It will give an aesthetic contrast and make it an interactive invitation instead of giving the feel of junk mail. We want the people invited to feel the time and effort that has gone into the exhibition work. This is because all of the work is traditionally printed which would also contrast with the design of the exhibition.

Self Evaluation:

I think that I contributed a fair amount of work towards the group task. I enjoyed creating a press pack for the exhibition. I think it links in with the exhibition design and keeps a consistency. I feel like I could have contributed more to the group in some group discussions I felt slightly like I wasn't saying enough but it is difficult when there are so many ideas and things to discuss back and forth. 

Peer Evaluation:

Overall our group worked well together. Everyone did equal amounts of work but I feel like Nicky and Alice did contribute the most in the group. Everyone helped give concepts and ideas initially and we were consistent in making weekly contracts for the project which ensured we were all on top of the tasks. This also made sure that the group project did not get lost within all the other pieces of work and made sure we all knew what we had to do.  

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